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"Hey, kid, I got this magical deck of cards that can make all your dreams come true. Want a hit?" "Sure! How many can I draw?" "How many you want?" Oh, Glob, how I'ever whispered those words (or some such) to newbie players as I pulled out my deck of cards with a evil twinkle in my eyes. Now, I actually created an entire deck's worth of results rather than just the few that the old DMG had, but it's buried with the other antiquities of my gaming past. I decided it might be fun if I made a "knock off" for Dungeon Fantasy, so here it is, in all it's wild n' crazy glory: the Deck of Wonders. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/02/the-hurt-locker-deck-of-wonders.html#.VO_AU_nF_Cs


Ravens N' Pennies: The Hurt Locker: Deck of Wonders

I have a long (and troubling) relationship with the "Deck of Many Things" there hasn't been a single DnD campaign I've ran where I haven't willingly introduced it...or it showed up on its own. Put simply, I have a deck of cards with my other DnD things that I carried for a reason.


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