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I haven't talked much on this since it happened yesterday. Honestly, right now I don't have the energy or wherewithal to do so. 

As some of you know my mother nearly died in May and due to other complications of a personal nature her recovery time has been ever-increasing. She had surgery on the 28th and came through it aces high and is now recovering. Hopefully, all will be done on that front and I can stop worrying. But there is just so many minor things happening right now that I'm frazzled. 

So look, this new fee schedule thing sucks for a lot of reasons and there will be NO hard feelings on my part if any of you want to start pulling your pledges. I understand. Truly. I thank all of you for what you've done for me all this time. Being able to make a go at writing and have you - my lovely patrons, my unkindness of ravens and my murder of crows - backing me up is something that gets me up in the morning and helps me sleep at night. 

I personally think the backlash has been so vehement that they're going to go back to the old model well before the 18th looms. We'll see.

Additionally, I know the specials are late - I'm working on them right now and they'll be up Saturday or sooner. 

That's all I have for now. Thanks again, y'all.



Wishing your mum all the best! I can see she's a fighter just like you! In the meantime enjoy an upped pledge courtesy of David Morgan-Mar who is quitting Patreon over the new fee structure and urging his patrons to redistribute towards creators who need the money. You're the only thing keeping me in Patreon at the moment, but don't worry about silly things like deadlines. Making them for the right month is more than plenty enough as far as I am concerned.