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Well my lovely patrons the time has come and gone for the new patron upgrade. Per some popular requests I've done some renovations. The Highlights:
  • I've ditched the $3 tier - less than 10% of folks ever used it and I've beefed up all tiers to make up for its absence.
  • I'll be holding Blog Polls every month where all Patrons can decide what they want to see. This will be done on the Sunday after the release of any Patreon Specials or the first Sunday of the month, whichever comes later.
  • There is a new Ravens and Pennies Discord channel! Come join us and gab with your fellow patrons.
  • I'll be holding Pyramid Polls every 3-6 months (as the need for topics arise) to decide what sort of content y'all want me to pitch to Steve Jackson Games.  This will be done on the Sunday after the release of any Patreon Specials or the first Sunday of the month, whichever comes later. 
  • I'll be holding Bundled Content Polls every 3-6 months (as the need for topics arise) to decide what y'all want me to pull from my blog and put into a PDF for use offline  This will be done on the Sunday after the release of any Patreon Specials or the first Sunday of the month, whichever comes later.  
  • Patrons now have the option to release a previous special or a current special to all patrons every other month or release the current month's $1 special to everyone.  This will be done on the Sunday after the release of any Patreon Specials or the first Sunday of the month, whichever comes later.

Thank y'all again! I look forward to working together to create new and interesting things for gamers to enjoy.


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