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Say you get a phone call in the middle of the night. You reach for your phone and you answer it:

"Hello?" you say. At first there is silence. Then the line crackles a bit and you know you either have a bad connection or it's a robocall.

"Is that you, dear?" says a frail old voice on the other end. You're blood runs cold because you think you recognize the voice on the other end. It's your grandma. But grandma died when you were a kid. How could she be calling you? Relief washes through you as you look at the phone's caller ID and you realize you can't read a word of it. You're dreaming. Setting the phone back down you roll over . . . but then you wake up to the sound of a phone ringing.  Checking the caller ID you realize you can read it and know you're not having a weird dream.

"Hello?" you say again. There is the sound of the line crackling again and an odd low whirring. The line remains silent and a chill travels up your spine. "Grandma?" you say.

"Oh, it's so good to hear from you my dear," says that familiar frail voice on the other end.

Today's Patreon Special is something from one of my campaigns - a phone that's connected to the spirit world - to use in your Monster Hunter games or other supernatural horror settings. Enjoy.

(Note: This link expires on 9/2/17)


The Hurt Locker: Spirit Phone

InPyramid #3/82: Magical Creations I wrote "The Hunter's Reliquary" which gave Monster Hunters champions a new tool in their arsenal: relics. I didn't have enough space for all relics, so here's another one of the leftovers... ...if you'd like to read more, consider becoming a patron!


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