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I'm in the process of going through Patreon and reworking things. So bear with me. Also, I've taken the plunge and purchased web hosting. I'll be migrating everything over to a wordpress.org blog hopefully within the month (my goal is before Gen Con). I've got August 2017's specials near finished (RPM and Monster Hunters FTW, y'all). I've got some backlog of blog posts done and you guys will not be without posts when I'm absent the middle of next month.

Hmmm. What else?

On the Pyramid front I've got about half of the current wishlist finished and about half of what's left near done. To those who participated - thank you for the help in getting a an idea for some of the themes.

Some rather exciting news I still can't share, but hope to soon. :-)

Guess that's it. I really need to do update posts here more often.


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