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My latest [B][I]Pyramid[/I][/B] offering, "The Department of Occult Defense" was incredibly enjoyable to write. It's been in the stewpot for a bit, but the secret to a good stew has always been a long simmer. I found myself in excellent company (as always) and had a idea that sparked while speaking to a fellow author: what if we (the authors in the issue) connected all the articles to one another using my own as the base? I wasn't sure I'd get even one "yes, let's do that" much less all of them (Hans-Christian Vortisch liked the idea, but had to decline because of a busy work schedule). So not only do you get my designer's notes for this article, but you also get the other writers telling you how to mix their work and my own for your Monster Hunters campaign. Enjoy. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/11/designers-notes-department-of-occult.html#.VHRGUfnF82Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Designer's Notes: The Department of Occult Defense

Statistics: Enhanced Tracking (Bioaugmentation, -10%; Low Signature, +10%; Multiple Lock-Ons, +20%) [6/level]. Bonus Post Publication Material Hunting monsters and urban fantasy in general are my proverbial wheelhouse. This is the kind of stuff I like to run, write, and read. It is by no means the only genre...but it's a favorite.


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