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I’ve been putting some thought into this for a while and I think I’ve come up with a plan of action that will work better than the old. But before I do that I want to explain why I’m changing things up for a third time in under four years:

1) I want to make sure that those who support my Patreon – even the $1 patrons – feel like they are getting their money’s worth. But this is also a problem: what exactly is a $1 (or more) worth every month? 

2) I’ve had some issues with shop and drops in the past and that’s made me very hesitant on keeping content around forever. I know I lost a few of you when I changed my policy about a year ago and I’m sorry. For those of you who stuck around I can’t thank you enough for your faith in me.

3) I’ve had some good ideas pop up that I either wish to emulate or things I think would be great for Patreon goals. Thus, I’m going to be switching things up some.

So, the new plan! First, Patreon Specials are sticking around. I think folks like them and I like doing them. They serve as a testbed for more official work so patrons get an alpha-level look at them before anyone else I’m going to be incorporating a methodology to let certain tiers of patrons to actually request a topic as a collective. Furthermore, I’m going to be pulling from my backlog to allow specials to be made public so non-patrons can enjoy them as well. This will most likely be done as a collective vote for a certain tier or higher (probably $5 and up) with my final approval or veto determining what comes forth. I’ll very likely only use such capabilities in the event that I want to release something publically to time with either something I’m doing, an uptick in a certain theme, or some other release.

So here’s my current list of ideas:

· A Twitch or other service stream of one of my games or a kind of “Ask Me Anything GURPS-related.”

· A special Discord server where patrons can collude, vote etc. (This is very likely for a couple of reasons - mostly because you can actually create polls pretty easily).

· Polls on what sort of content you actually want me to write for the next month (e.g., follow-up posts, answering another blog post, specific themes, etc.).

· Adventures or settings for the four established GURPS lines: Dungeon Fantasy, Action, Monster Hunters, or After the End.

· A separate archive of previous posts available to top tier patrons in the form of a private blog.

That’s currently what I have - what I want you fine folks to do is tell me what you think. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you don’t like. Tell me what I’m missing. So please respond and reply - I’ll be gauging responses over the next week or so and I’ll be doing a revamp of the Patreon for August (right before I head out to Gen Con 50).

Anyways, that’s it. Looking forward to seeing what you guys think.

Christopher R. Rice



While I understand the problem with shop and drop patreons, I'm *incredibly* miffed I missed so many RPM posts, RPM is my absolute favorite thing about GURPS :( Otherwise, looking pretty good!

Jonathan Streeter

I too love RPM and hope the 1 year of back content is from the Start date of being a patron. I want to know about the Cold Path so bad...


That's how I intended it, yes. With all these comments on RPM I'm very likely to keep putting out such comment. This applies to everyone - want me to do specific stuff? Like, share, etc. the stuff you enjoy. I pay attention to those metrics and produce content that proves popular.


I'm sorry you feel that way and I understand said feelings. Thank *you* for understanding my position as well. As I just said downthread I'm going to put out more content that people talk about, share, etc. I'm very likely to bring my various RPM stuff together at some point as a compilation so don't fear! It's going to show up at SOME point. Till then *new* RPM stuff will likely make its way out. :-)