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Today is GURPSDay and today I'm posting some spells I converted from one of my favorite editions of That Other Game for my Incantation Magic system for Dungeon Fantasy.


Boil and Bubble: Old Skool Delving Incantations I

It's been a while since I pumped out the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy book I cowrite with +Antoni Ten Monrós. I was looking over some of my old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons books and I got to thinking - how could I do this in GURPS using my system?



Oh man! So many of the Named Spells! Leomund, Mordenkainen, etc. they all had spells doing cool & weird stuff.


I'm probably going to go through most of Leomund's first - he's a favorite. But Mordenkainen is next for sure. Mordenkainen's Disjunction will BE AWESOME TO WRITE UP.