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I'm working up a (hopefully) better model for Patreon. So I'm opening this up to suggestions from all. One thing I've very likely to do is release old Patreon-only content as freebies to everyone as certain reward tiers are unlocked. 

If you have further thoughts or ideas on how I can make this better for y'all, please comment below.



I'm thinking I might also offer compilations to those at a certain level. I'd also *really* appreciate some ideas on how to make the archive of specials available without the problems I've had in the past. Perhaps an FTP or a special Dropbox or G-Drive ?


Polls are a good idea. Ask what people want to see more of is the easiest one, but I've seen other creators ask their patrons to decide what path they should go down, especially if they have several good ideas and aren't sure which one to use. I also suggest releasing a selection of previous patron-only posts, one from each category, and then asking which one people liked the most. This will help give an idea of what people want to see.


What are the problems you've had in the past? Ultimately, if it's a concern about Patreons redistributing the material, there's not a lot that can be done to prevent that other than ask them nicely not to. If you've had problems with people sharing links to your material, you could put it on a g-Drive or similar with access manually added to specific people - but they could just download it and send it out :P