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Buckle up. This is a long one. I talk about my years long superhero campaign, what I wanted to achieve at its inception, what I did achieve when running it, and what I should have achieved, but didn't.

Warning: If you aren't interested in the guts of GMing a superheroes campaign feel free to ignore this completely.


Carpe Blogiem: Aeon Campaign Arc 1, Post Mortem

Ok, folks. Buckle up. This is going to be a slightly long post. First, if you don't know about my Aeon campaign here's the gist from my Session Recap page. It's 2016 and superpowers are real. They appear to have been born out of a strange energy pulse that hit the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on October 31st, 1999 at 2:00pm EST.



This comes at a serendipitous time for me, as I am in the midst of creating a new Supers campaign world for new-ish players. I'm going to have to teach most of them GURPS while also introducing my Larger Than Life setting. The pun there is I'll have them fighting Kaiju along the way.. But thank you for this post! I'll be taking a few lessons from this and the other AEON posts. Currently I'm scattered across my notes on world history and NPC creation, but the theme is coming together. I should start a blog for it!


Blogs for actual plays are INCREDIBLY useful. Peter Dell'Orto's blog is basically an actual play blog.