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Sarah: Ow! It bit me! Hoggle: What'd you expect fairies to do? Sarah: I thought they did nice things, like... like granting wishes. Hoggle: Shows what *you* know, don't it? These ain't your mother's tooth fairies. They don't leave coins under your bed for teeth. They pull out your damn teeth while you sleep and maybe scratch you up a bit for fun. One is a pain in and of itself - but a swarm of the little bastards can strip a man of his bones and leave a pile of flesh in minutes. They're like flying piranhas that bleed acid. Every worse, they'll happily bit a hole in their cheek so they can bleed on you while they bit YOU. Yeah, best to just stay away from them if you can...if not, don't go to sleep and for the love of all that is holy DON'T LOOSE ANY TEETH! http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/10/triple-threat-tooth-fairy.html#.VEaAUvnF82Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Triple Threat: Tooth Fairy

hammaspeikko, petite souris ratoncito pérez, and many more and too numerous to list are all names for one creature: the tooth fairy. In the last century this dangerous creature has been whitewashed and made "acceptable" for children.


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