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This will be a Patreon Exclusive for story for April 2024.

I’m going to list certain categories below. You can write whatever you  want, or choose from a list of options given for that category, that  will fit that category listed. Make sure you type the following:  (Category): (thing that fits that category)  You can only post about one category per post. You may make a post once every 1 hour. First one to post a proper suggestion for that category will close that category off. Even if you post one second after another person, whoever posted  first will take that spot. And if you post, you must wait 1 hour before posting again, so make sure no one has taken the category you are looking at.  If you post something in the category, I have the option to veto it.  However, if I veto it, you may post again immediately after I state it.  No need to wait 1 hour.  Once all the categories have been filled, I will start work on a smut  short story that fits the criteria that you all posted as a writing  challenge to myself.  Here are the categories:

Character#1 -Option#1: (Choose the species and gender) -Option#2: (choose your OC. If you give me your OC to use, please make sure you provide a character reference sheet or description. If you choose OC,  just know your character most likely will be put with other people’s  suggestions)

Character#1's Sexual Preference -(Straight, Homosexual, Bi)

Character#1's Body -(Feral, Standard Anthro, or Taur)

Location#1 -Pick anywhere you want. Just be a bit generic. -Example: mountain, desert, suburbs, city, space, underwater, science lab, etc. You do not have to pick from this list of examples -You can add descriptors if you want to the location. Like Snowy Mountain, quiet suburbs, etc.

Fetish#1 -Do not list something that goes against my list of banned fetishes. (Banned fetishes can be found on my furaffinity journal here: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10756640/)

Fetish#2 -Do not list something that goes against my list of banned fetishes. (Banned fetishes can be found on my furaffinity journal here: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10756640/)

Fetish#3 -Do not list something that goes against my list of banned fetishes. (Banned fetishes can be found on my furaffinity journal here: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10756



The pacing is up to you Patreon Supporters :3 Thank you for confirming the first category for the CWC for next month.


I am so sorry Hailfire99. I meant to delete my comment.


Hailfire's comment: "Let's start this off early this time. Character 1: Species: Fox Gender: Male" Please re comment if you'd like. I will not count it against you.


It's fine, I accidentally kept posting the comment before I was done typing it so I just typed it in google doc then copy&pasted it here.

Fire Serpent

Location: Snowy Forest


Character 1 body: Anthro

Fire Serpent

Fetish 1: Orgasm Denial


Sexual preference: bi


Fetish 2: Symbiotic Suit


Fetish 3: Cum Inflation


Thank you for confirming the final Fetish!