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Just had a favour to ask all patrons and that's to check that your payment details are up to date particular if you've recently had a change of card.

Unfortunately this month I had 8x the usual number of decline payment that never went through even on further attempts from Patreon billing.

Claiming Rewind Rewards
Bit of a weird one... There's an increase in the number of new patrons that join tiers that have past rewards but never claim them.

I can't figure out the exact reason and maybe there's more than one reason but please can you check that the email address you sign up with is one that you really use and check regularly as all messages that go out via Patreon go to these email addresses.

Claiming Rewind Rewards
Nearly all patrons claim their past rewards quickly but every once in a while I'll get a patron who will say that they've not claimed for 3 or more months and then want to get those rewards. I'm not saying I won't allow that but it does create more admin work for me to go back through previous month's billing.

Did you receive all three Wonder Woman Rewards this month?
There still seems to be a few issues with patrons receiving all of this month's rewards. So if you're on a $5 Round Belly tier or higher and didn't get all of the current month's rewards do let me know and I will send you them.


james miss

Yeah, I had no idea of what was before and what I've already claimed, so I stopped with it. Maybe those at this tier could vote on aspects of what you're drawing.


I know some patrons like to keep a copy of the previews or a checklist of their own to tick off against.