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Well that's a bit of a dull title and not really one I want to be writing. Patreon has told me that from July 2020 they're going to be applying Sales Tax to more pledge transactions.

 I appreciate given the current global situation that feels like pretty poor timing but it's the result of changes in some national government laws over what is now taxable.

For some patrons this is going to mean no changes at all. For example if you're in the EU or UK then VAT has been charged on pledge payment since 2015 so nothing will change.

The next bit is copy/pasted from Patreon support...

"Less than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55 cents."

"The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments."

For what it's worth I personally wish this wasn't happening but sadly it is. 

I really do appreciate your support of my pregnant art and as me as an artist.  Thank you!


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