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I'm delighted how well my Bun in the Oven patreon is going so I've decided I can just about handle the workload of two new tiers.

So as to not totally overload myself I've decided that the two new tiers will be limited on the number of patrons that can receive them.

'Big Belly' tier will given patrons greater access to Behind the Scenes of my work and each 'Big Belly' patron can also request a sketch each month once their pledge has been paid. The sketch is limited to a single character of your choosing (sorry no couples or groups).

'Big Belly' is limited to 5 patrons a month and pledges of $20.

The other new tier is very exclusive as only one patron a month can receive it. It's called "Your Artist for a day". 

As the name suggests I can be your artist for an entire day each month and I will create a day's worth of art (sketches, line art, paintings) for you. 

It's a chance to indulge in your preggo fantasies and have them turned into pictures for a pledge of $100.

Of course there will be some restrictions as to what I'll draw but I'm pretty flexible and we can discuss it beforehand. Just message me :)

One last thing... 

I had envisioned that these would be rewards available in September once August pledges had cleared but as I'm writing this on July 31 if you're quick enough then you can get these as July rewards!


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