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A big thank you to Luis for their story idea submission and generous support! This story is for you.

Disclaimer: The characters in this universe start Hogwarts at the age of 15, making Iris and her friends 18 or older.

Harry was eagerly following Iris to his bedroom, his hard cock swinging from side to side as he walked, when a sudden explosion sounded from outside their tent. A chill ran down his spine as he realised that the camp was under attack.

He chided himself for being caught flatfooted by the wannabe Death Eaters. In hindsight, he should have seen it coming from a mile away. He had thought that already having dealt with most of Voldemort's Horcruxes meant there would be fewer threats left. But even in his own universe, he remembered, the World Cup attack had been orchestrated by a couple of drunk fools out for a laugh, reminiscing about their glory days, without any direct involvement by Voldemort. And yet here they were, causing chaos once again, catching him quite literally with his pants around his ankles.

After scrambling to put on their clothes, Harry and Iris had hurriedly made it out of the tent, only to find themselves surrounded by the panicked screams of the crowd. The Death Eaters seemed very drunk, and their aim and reaction times were as a result godawful, but the spells they were throwing around were still extremely deadly.

Fighting every instinct that screamed at him to run at the fools, he held himself back. He did not want to risk Iris' life, and as a result decided to stay some ways back and rather take out the Death Eaters from a distance. With a few well-aimed stunning spells, he managed to catch three of the Death Eaters before they could react. The bright, red light of the stunning spells lit up the night, and the Death Eaters fell to the ground, unconscious. This, however, caught their attention, and the guy closest to them spun around and fired off killing curse after killing curse in their general direction.

The curses went well wide, but he knew that they would still be dangerous to the rushing crowd behind him. Reacting quickly, Harry conjured a block of granite to absorb the curses, before Iris took down the retaliating Death Eater with another well-placed stunner. By this point, the remaining Death Eaters could sense that the party was over and were quickly disapparating in waves. But the damage had been done. The camp was in chaos, and the Ministry officials were still nowhere to be seen...

After diffusing the situation, Harry and Iris had swiftly disapparated as well, not wanting to spend all night interrogated by Aurors. It had taken numerous jumps to get all the way back to London, leaving them both exhausted after the long night. Harry only had enough energy left to send a quick letter to Hogwarts' Board of Governors, inquiring about the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, before he collapsed onto his bed and passing out for the night.

He woke up the next morning to an owl from the Board of Governors, inviting him to an interview for the position. He had been surprised by the speed of their response, but he supposed that they were desperate to fill the position, what with the school year fast approaching. He had been even more surprised when he found out that the interview was scheduled for the same day. He had been expecting to have at least a few days to prepare, but he supposed that he would have to make do with what he had.

The interview itself had gone surprisingly well. Despite the fact that he didn't have any qualifications to show them, apart from a quick practical examination, the Board of Governors had been happy to accept him for the position. They had stressed the importance of finding someone before the school year started, and after having no other applicants, Harry realised that it might not matter much that he wasn't technically qualified.

Even Lucius has been surprisingly supportive of his application, which he had not expected, but he reasoned that was likely because he wasn't the Boy-Who-Lived in this universe, and that anyone, in the man's eyes, would do better than last year's Werewolf. As far as everyone else was concerned, he was simply a young adult who happened to know a bit about magic. A perfect fit for the job, really.

Which is where he found himself now, apparating home and ready to tell Iris the good news. She had been the one to suggest that he apply for the position in the first place, and considering how far she had gone to convince him, he could tell that it was very important to her.

It wasn't long after he had opened the door before Iris came running up to him, a wide smile on her face, with a letter in her hand bearing the Hogwarts crest. "Harry! You got it!" she exclaimed, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him aggressively on the lips. Harry laughed as he stumbled backwards, supporting her ass with his hands as she continued to rain passionate kisses on him. He still wasn't quite used to this new Iris.

He didn't quite know how the owl had beat him to it, but it seemed that the letter from Hogwarts had arrived before him. He guessed they must have prepared the letters in advance to give the students time to gather the required materials for the upcoming semester.

"I got it," Harry confirmed, smiling down at Iris as she pulled back from their kiss, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Not that surprising, considering that there weren't any other applicants. The Board was desperate, I think they would have accepted quite literally anyone."

Iris giggled, her arms still wrapped around his neck as she nuzzled her face into his neck. Harry took the chance to squeeze the pliable flesh of her ass. "Well, I'm glad you got it, Harry. Next semester is going to be so much fun!"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head as he moved them towards the kitchen table, taking a seat on the bench with Iris still in his lap. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and he could feel her hard nipples poking through their clothing. His cock twitched in response, growing harder by the second.

Iris moaned softly, squirming in his lap as she felt his erection pressing into her through their clothes. "Mmm... we never got to finish what we started yesterday, did we?" she whispered, her voice husky with desire. "I think this deserves a celebration, don't you agree, Daddy?"

Harry groaned, feeling his self-control slipping away as she ground herself against his growing erection. "Fuck, Iris..." he growled, capturing her lips in another aggressive kiss, gripping her hips tightly as he told himself to hold back.

"That's the plan, Daddy," Iris purred, breaking the kiss and grinning mischievously up at him. Before he knew it, she had waved her wand, and they were both suddenly stark naked, his thick, hard cock now trapped between them. He could feel her slick pussy juices coating his rod, lubricating him as she ground her hips against his, sliding her hot core along his length.

And as her clothes vanished, her perfect tits finally bounced free, her hard nipples brushing against his chest. They were just as perfect as he had imagined, and he couldn't resist reaching up to cup them in his rough, calloused hands. They filled his hands perfectly, as if made for him and she moaned loudly, arching her back, as he squeezed and kneaded them, the sensation driving her wild with pleasure.

"I can't take it any more, Daddy," Iris whined, pulling Harry's mouth back down to hers as she kissed him again, more urgently now. "I need you, right now!"

Harry groaned, his self-control snapping as he lifted her up by the ass, lining her slick entrance up with his needy cock. Iris moaned into their kiss as she sank down on his thick, hard cock, taking half of him inside of her wet pussy in one swift motion.

Her tight, hot walls clenched around him, squeezing his length, and Harry couldn't help but groan as he felt his cock being swallowed whole by her heavenly cunt. Iris' nails dug into his shoulders as a sudden orgasm rocketed through her body, making her shudder violently in his embrace. It seemed she must have been anticipating this moment more than he expected.

But even though she had reached her peak, she started to ride him, lifting her hips up and then sliding back down onto his thick shaft, fucking herself on his cock to prolong the exquisite sensations rippling through her body.

Harry was content to let her set the pace, watching as her tits jiggled with each thrust, and listening to the lewd sounds of flesh meeting flesh echo off the kitchen walls. Each time she plunged down onto his cock, she groaned, her warm breath ghosting over his ear, her hot, aroused musk wafting around them, teasing his senses, turning him on even further.

"Oh fuck, Iris, you feel so good," Harry groaned, his hands moving to grip her perfect ass cheeks, squeezing them roughly as he helped lift her up and down on his cock. "You're so fucking tight, I can barely hold back."

Iris mewled at his words, throwing her head back as she rutted on his cock, bouncing up and down, whimpering, murmuring wordlessly as her desire overwhelmed her, stealing her words away. Her mind was nothing but a haze of endless pleasure. It was only when her next orgasm crashed through her that she finally managed to open her mouth to speak.

"Fuck, I'm cumming again, Daddy" she cried out, throwing her head back, squealing as her whole body trembled in ecstasy once more.

Harry could feel her internal muscles spasming around his shaft, gripping him tighter than ever before. She looked like an angel, with her fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders, her full, round breasts bouncing with every movement, her nipples hard and red, and her gorgeous green eyes staring deeply into his, her expression filled with raw lust. Harry couldn't contain himself any longer. The sight of her like this, and her inner walls milking his dick for all she was worth, pushed him to the edge.

With a roar, Harry picked Iris up, holding her up by the pliable cheeks of her ass, while slamming his hips upward into her, pounding his cock deep into her from below. Harry fucked her faster and harder, watching her lovely face twist and contort in pleasure as he stuffed her greedy pussy to its limits. He was almost there. So close.

"Iris, I'm going to cum," Harry grunted, slamming his cock deep into her, feeling his balls draw up, feeling his orgasm build.

"Do it, Daddy! Fill me up!" Iris begged, her eyes shining with excitement.

Harry didn't need to be told twice. With one last furious pounding, Harry buried his cock deep inside of Iris, his entire length disappearing into her depths. And then, with a guttural moan, Harry released, filling Iris up with his seed.

Harry felt his cock jerking rapidly, spurting jets of his scalding seed, blasting into Iris' depths. A euphoric pleasure flooded him and Harry groaned in relief as his orgasm rocketed through him like a supernova. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, and he collapsed back onto the bench, panting heavily, his cock still twitching inside of Iris.

The moment his cum touched her insides, Iris felt a surge of power flood through her, as if his magic was entering her too, filling her up just like his cum. And as the magical energy coursed through her veins, she felt another orgasm wash over her, leaving her gasping for air. It was the most addictive feeling she'd ever felt, and she knew she would do anything to feel that again.

"Hmmph... that was amazing, Daddy," Iris purred, lifting her head from Harry's shoulder when she finally came down from her high. She kissed him again, their lips meeting in a slow, passionate kiss, their tongues entwining together. Her inner walls squeezed his softening length gently, as if thanking him for the pleasure he had given her.

"Mmm... yes, it certainly was," Harry agreed, smiling lazily at Iris. Why had he been so hesitant? "Maybe we should celebrate more often?"

Iris giggled, kissing him again. "Definitely, Daddy. I'm looking forward to it. Just think of how much fun we'll have at Hogwarts!"

Harry gulped nervously as blood rushed back to his brain, finally letting him think clearly. He hadn't even thought about the implications of his relationship with Iris when he signed up for the job. Could he really get away with routinely fucking one of his students right under Dumbledore's nose? It was a question for future Harry to worry about, he supposed.

Iris seemed to sense his hesitation, because she leaned in closer, a wicked grin on her face as she whispered in his ear, "And who knows, maybe even my friends can get in on the action at Hogwarts. Wouldn't that be exciting?"

Harry swallowed hard, trying not to let his mind go wild with all the possibilities. But his cock betrayed him, twitching happily inside of her, already getting hard again. Iris giggled, giving him a playful smack on the chest.

"You're such a pervert, Daddy," Iris chided, but her smile betrayed her excitement as well. Harry had no idea what kind of mess he had gotten himself into, but he intended to enjoy every minute of it.


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