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[Continues from Chapter 11]

"Great job, Mum! Now, Lily, you're next!"

Lily obeyed happily, moving gracefully towards the pool's edge. She stood tall above everyone else, her fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders like flowing fire. Then, lowering herself slowly, she sat right on the very edge, letting her legs swing gently into the cool water.

She leaned back lazily, closing her eyes and arching her chest proudly forward. Her generous curves filled out the tiny black bikini perfectly, accentuating every curve and valley hidden underneath.

"Perfect, Lily!" praised Daphne, as Harry snapped photo after photo of his gorgeous mum. "You look stunning!"

Indeed, no words could describe how breathtaking she appeared at this moment. But something told him that things were only going to get better from here.

"Now, get on the sun lounger facing us directly, Lily! Yes, that's it! Let's see if we can make those titties pop even more!"

His mum complied eagerly, getting seated on the edge of the lounger right beside him. She reclined comfortably, pushing her breasts forth shamelessly while keeping eye contact with the lens.

"Get closer Harry," whispered Iris into his ear, making him jump slightly. "We need some closeups too!"

He nodded silently, edging himself nearer until he was standing either side of her legs. From there, he pointed the camera downward, focusing on her angelic face and her ample bosoms spilling out from the confines of her bikini top.

His bulging trunks were mere inches away from her face now, with only the camera separating them. With every warm breath she exhaled upon his crotch, his cock twitched, and her eyes followed suit, watching closely as his length strained painfully against the fabric.

"Good girl, Lily!" cheered Daphne approvingly, encouraging his mother further. "Now, take off your top already! We all wanna see those babies!"

Lily hesitated briefly, biting her lip nervously, but Daphne was quick to reassure her. "Don't worry about it, Lily! We're all family and friends. Nobody will judge you here!"

With renewed confidence, she finally reached behind her neck, untying the knot holding her bikini top in place. It fell softly onto her lap, revealing her glorious assets fully for the second time. They were perfect: round, soft, yet firm enough to hold themselves high despite gravity's pull.

"Wow... Just wow!" gasped Iris, awestruck by the sight. "Mum, you look incredible!"

Harry couldn't agree more. He swallowed hard, feeling his throat go dry instantly upon seeing her bare flesh once more. How many times had he dreamt of having such a chance? To witness her naked form so freely displayed before him, without hiding or restraint? And now, here she was, giving him exactly what he desired most in life.

But little did he know that this wasn't the end of today's surprises. In fact, quite the opposite...

"Alright, let's move onto the final phase!" announced Daphne excitedly, grinning mischievously at the group. "Time for some real fun!"

Lily looked quizzically towards her, unsure of what she meant. However, knowing full well not to question her judgement, she simply waited patiently for further instructions.

Then, without warning, Daphne pulled down Harry's swimming trunks, freeing his massive member forcefully. It sprang forth suddenly, and it was all Harry could do to snap photo after photo as his cock slapped against his mum's cheek, leaving a wet trail across her skin.

The girls giggled lightly, enjoying the unexpected development immensely. Even Lily seemed surprised, staring wide-eyed at his shaft dangling lewdly right before her lips.

"D-don't be silly, Daphne!" stuttered his mum shyly, her eyes never leaving his menacing cock. "What would people think?"

However, her protest fell on deaf ears, as Daphne replied unapologetically. "Your shocked face is priceless, Lily! The video we got last time of you and Iris reacting to Harry's massive cock became our most popular post ever! This one is gonna break records!"

A light dusting of pink covered Lily's cheeks, betraying her embarrassment. Still, she didn't try to cover herself up again or move away from the camera, instead choosing to keep her gaze locked firmly onto his manhood.

"Besides, it's not like anyone will know that it's your son's fat cock you're posing with, right?" added Hermione quickly, trying to calm her worries. "Just pretend it belongs to someone else."

"Yeah, come on, Mum!" urged Iris enthusiastically, joining in on their conversation. "This is our chance to become famous, don't ruin it for us now!"

"Okay, okay... Fine," she conceded eventually, averting her eyes guiltily. "Let's just finish quickly, alright?"

Daphne clapped her hands together joyfully, grinning widely at everyone present. "That's the spirit, Lily! Now, let's make these photos truly memorable!"

And so, under Daphne's direction, Lily began posing seductively around Harry's throbbing erection. At first, she tried avoiding direct contact with his rod, instead opting to purse her lips suggestively while looking deep into his eyes. But soon enough, encouraged by the ladies' cheers and praises, she grew braver than ever before.

"That's it, Lily! Get a good grip on it, feel its weight in your hand!"

Her fingers wrapped tentatively around her son's shaft, gripping him tightly before sliding her fingers slowly along his length. Her touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through his veins, filling him with desire beyond reason. It felt like pure heaven, having her delicate fingers caressing every inch of him so lovingly.

"Now, kiss the tip gently, tease him a little..."

Lily hesitated for a bit, and it seemed for a moment that she might refuse outright. However, sensing her reluctance, Harry decided to help matters along slightly. Reaching out, he placed a single finger beneath her chin, lifting her head upwards gently until their gazes met once more. Then, he pushed himself forward slowly, allowing only the very tip of his cock to brush against her moistened lips, lingering there for a brief moment before pulling away again.

Fuck me, thought Harry silently, I can die happy now.

His mother's breath hitched sharply, taken aback by the sudden contact. Yet surprisingly, instead of pushing him away angrily, she remained perfectly still, watching intently as his cock twitched eagerly right in front of her mouth.

"Good girl, Lily!" praised Daphne proudly, nodding approvingly at her efforts. "Don't be afraid, show us how much of a naughty girl you really are!"

Her words must have struck a chord within his mother, because before he knew it, her tongue darted forth hungrily, lapping softly upon his sensitive crown. A soft moan escaped his lips involuntarily, filled with sheer delight. He snapped picture after picture, capturing each detail closely: her flushed cheeks, half-closed eyelids, parted lips, glistening tongue - everything was documented flawlessly.

He watched in morbid fascination through the viewfinder as a bead of pre-cum formed at his tip, trembling precariously for a few seconds before falling gracefully onto her waiting tongue. She caught it eagerly, rolling it over her taste buds curiously.

"Great job, Lily! You're a natural at this! Aaand CUT-"

But just when he thought the excitement would die down, another surprise awaited him. The only warning he got was a soft giggle emitted behind his back, followed by a gentle push from behind. Before he knew what happened, his hips jolted forward, sending his entire length plunging straight down his mother's throat without hesitation.

The underside of his cock scraped deliciously against her tongue as his cock slid deeper inside her warm embrace. Warmth surrounded him completely, eliciting yet another wave of intense bliss throughout his body. His balls clenched painfully tight, threatening to burst any second now. And it was only the pleading eyes of his mum staring up at him which kept him from releasing right then and there.

"Holy shit!" gasped Hermione from behind, watching the scene unfold in awe. "You're really going for it, aren't you, Iris?"

Harry groaned deeply, feeling overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. He had dreamed of his mum's lips wrapping around his girth many times, but never did he expect such scenario to unfold in reality. Yet despite her apparent distress, something told him that she wasn't entirely opposed to this particular activity either.

But for propriety's sake, best not push his luck too far...

Harry quickly snapped a couple of final shots before withdrawing himself slowly from her depths. Perhaps slower than strictly necessary, but the electric feeling running through his spine prevented him from acting rationally anymore. Spittle trailed wetly across her chin as he pulled free, leaving her panting heavily afterwards.

"Fuck, Mum, I didn't mean to..." he muttered apologetically, trying to explain himself. But Lily simply shook her head dismissively, waving off his concerns.

"It's alright, dear," she reassured him calmly, wiping her face clean with the back of her hand. "It's your sister I'm angry with..." She let those words hang in the air for a long moment, making sure they sunk in properly.

However, judging by Iris' expression, she hadn't grasped the severity of the situation quite yet. "But Mum, you looked incredible!" she protested weakly, smiling nervously towards her mother.

"Speaking of incredible shots we're about to take..." interjected Daphne suddenly, taking advantage of the situation brewing up between mother and daughter. "I believe you're up next, Iris, correct?"

Iris froze instantly, realising too late where things were heading. Panic spread across her features immediately, but it was already far too late to stop anything now.

Lily was quick to seize the opportunity presented before her. Turning towards Daphne, she nodded confidently. "Yes, I believe that's right," she confirmed sweetly. "Why don't you come here, darling? Let's see if you can top my performance."

Harry's cock twitched delightedly in front of the six women surrounding him. It seemed like today was turning into one hell of a day indeed.

Iris swallowed hard, knowing full well that nothing good could come out of this challenge. However, unable to refuse her own mother directly, especially after the number she had just pulled, she stepped reluctantly closer, positioning herself right beside her brother.

"Why don't you take over directing duties for this round, Lily?" suggested Daphne innocently, grinning mischievously at her friend. "After all, you know exactly what kind of shots we need for maximum impact!"

Lily smiled cunningly, acknowledging her suggestion gratefully. "Of course, thank you, Daphne! I think I do have some great ideas worth exploring."

Then, turning towards Iris, she began giving orders. "Alright, Iris, let's skip the foreplay this time around, shall we? You said you wanted to become famous, so why waste precious time on unnecessary details?"

His little sister gulped loudly, nodding silently in agreement. Whatever reservations she might have held earlier, they seemed to vanish almost instantly under her mother's stern gaze.

"Good girl," praised Lily approvingly, patting her shoulder gently. "Now, get on your knees, please."

"W-what?! No way!" stuttered Iris, horrified by the sudden request. But she did as asked anyway, lowering herself shakily until she knelt right before Harry's throbbing erection.

"This is going to be epic!" exclaimed Hermione excitedly, pointing her own phone eagerly at them from another angle.

Iris bit her lip anxiously, casting nervous glances left and right. Her cheeks flushed bright red, betraying her embarrassment easily. Still, even though fearful, she remained perfectly still, waiting patiently for further instructions. All while gazing up at her brother's behemoth shaft looming menacingly above her petite frame, which was now glistening with Lily's saliva.

"Perfect," commented Lily, sounding pleased by her obedience. "Now, reach out carefully and hold onto his shaft, okay?"

Her tiny hands wrapped cautiously around his length, gripping him firmly as per requested. The sensation sent waves of pleasure coursing through his veins once more, eliciting soft moans from deep within his lungs.

"Don't get too excited just yet, Harry," warned Lily, while smirking wickedly at her daughter. "We need to make these photos last first. Besides, there will be plenty of opportunities for fun later."

"Okay, now whack your brother's cock against your cheek!" directed Lily, watching intently as her daughter hesitantly followed suit. Each blow of his cock against her cheek caused a loud thwack echoing through the garden, drawing gasps of excitement from their audience. A light dusting of pink quickly covered Iris' cheeks, adding fuel to the fire burning within him, and beads of his pre-cum splattered across her skin each time he made contact.

His balls clenched painfully tight, threatening to burst any second now. Fuck, her skin is soft, thought Harry silently, so incredibly soft...

"Yes! Just like that, darling! Keep going!" urged Lily enthusiastically, encouraging her daughter further. "Act like the slutty little tease that you are! Show us how much you love your big brother's cock!"

Hermione giggled lightly beside her, shaking her head amusedly. "You really are enjoying this, aren't you, Mrs. Potter?"

A slight blush covered Iris' features, betraying her embarrassment easily. Yet despite that, she continued obeying blindly, beating his rod repeatedly against her smooth flesh. Soft gasps escaped her lips whenever their eyes met, hinting at hidden desires yearning to surface soon enough.

"Great job, Iris!" praised Lily proudly, looking satisfied with her progress thus far. "Now, give it a sweet kiss - make sure to use those plump lips properly!"

She hesitated briefly, unsure whether she should comply or not. But seeing no other option available, she leaned forward slowly, pressing her lips tenderly against his tip.

Harry was in heaven. His perfect little sister's plump limps pressed lovingly against his sensitive crown, sending waves of euphoria coursing throughout his body. In fact, he was so distracted that he forgot to snap pictures during that brief moment. And all too quickly, she pulled away again, averting her eyes guiltily.

"Fuck, I missed the shot," Harry mumbled disappointingly, staring down at his sister apologetically.

Iris rolled her eyes dramatically, groaning softly. "Well then maybe you should focus on your job instead of just staring at me like an idiot instead!" she scolded lightly, trying to hide her embarrassment unsuccessfully.

"No worries, dear," reassured Lily calmly, smiling warmly at her son. "Miss Famous here will gladly repeat the performance. Anything for the prefect shot. Isn't that right, Iris?"

"Y-yes, Mum," she replied softly, her tune changing rapidly. She was starting to regret challenging her mother directly...

"Excellent," stated Lily approvingly, nodding contentedly. "That's it! Kiss your brother's cock, dear! Show the world what your juicy lips were made for!"

Hesitant at first, Iris finally complied, pressing her mouth firmly against his tip. She sucked gently, swirling her tongue around his bulbous head playfully. He twitched involuntarily beneath her touch, filling him with delight beyond measure.

"Hold it steady, Iris!" instructed Lily, watching closely as her daughter performed admirably well despite her embarrassment. "Keep suckling it gently, show us what a naughty tease you can be!"

Iris nodded silently, following her orders diligently. Her cheeks turned a brighter shade of red with each passing moment, but somehow, she kept her composure remarkably well considering what they were doing.

"Great job, my dear!" commended Lily proudly, patting her shoulder a bit harder than necessary, forcing an inch of his bulbous cockhead inside her mouth.

"Mum!" protested Iris weakly, but Lily had already moved onto the next phase of her plan.

"Alright, I think we have enough of those shots for today," announced Lily confidently, turning towards Daphne expectantly. "So, shall we move on to something a bit more daring?"

"More daring!? What do you mean, Mum?" asked Iris nervously, panicking visibly.

Lily smiled cunningly, leaning closer to whisper into her ear. "You should have thought of that before challenging me earlier, young lady," she chided quietly. "Now, get on all fours on that sun lounger, please."

"W-what?! No way! That would expose everything!" stuttered Iris, horrified by the request.

But even though fearful, she still did as told, positioning herself awkwardly on top of the cushioned bed. Her ass pointed upwards invitingly, swaying gently in the air. And at this angle, the wrap she wore to cover her bottom was too short to conceal anything, offering everyone present quite the eyeful indeed. And judging by her mother's sly grin, that might very well have been exactly what she intended.

"Perfect!" exclaimed Lily happily, sounding pleased with the outcome. "Now, Harry, why don't you come over here and put your magnificent cock above her lovely bum? We wouldn't want anyone else seeing our precious girl naked, now, would we?"

His heart pounded wildly against his ribcage, filled with anticipation and excitement. There was no way back anymore; whatever happened now would remain etched deeply within all their memories forevermore.

He approached her slowly, feeling slightly nervous about what lay ahead. But one glance at his mother's eager expression erased any doubts lingering in his mind instantly. This was going to happen, whether he liked it or not...

With trembling hands, he placed his manhood carefully upon her round cheeks, covering her privates from the viewfinder. A soft sigh escaped Iris' lips as he did so, telling him that he wasn't the only one affected by these unexpected developments.

Then, without warning, his mum pushed him gently from behind, causing the underside of his cock to slide smoothly between his sister's plump ass cheeks. It felt incredible: hot, firm, yet soft enough to feel every curve and valley hidden underneath. Each movement sent ripples of pleasure surging through his veins, threatening to overwhelm him entirely if allowed free reign.

Until his thighs met hers, trapping them together tightly. His aching balls pressed intimately against the glistening flesh of her leaking pussy, eliciting soft moans from deep within her lungs.

She's dripping wet, realised Harry silently. She's practically coating my balls in her lust!

"Oh wow..." muttered Hermione breathlessly, staring wide-eyed at the sight unfolding before her. "This is seriously epic, Mrs Potter! You really know how to make things exciting!"

Lily chuckled softly, shaking her head modestly. "Thank you, dear," she replied sweetly, while smirking wickedly at her own handiwork. "However, I believe there's still room for improvement left..."

Without waiting for further instructions, she took over the camera from Harry herself, pointing its lens directly at the point of contact between her two children. Then, giving him a gentle nudge, she urged him to continue his movements, making him start hotdogging his sister's plump ass cheeks rhythmically.

Each stroke caused her skin to ripple deliciously under his member, sending waves of bliss coursing throughout his body. In fact, he could barely contain himself anymore, knowing full well that release was imminent. Yet despite his obvious predicament, he continued obeying blindly, pushing forward relentlessly...

"Ahh~ Please!" gasped Iris desperately, writhing shamelessly beneath him. But whether she wanted him to stop or to bury his cock deep into her glistening pussy instead remained unclear. All he knew was that her voice sounded incredibly sexy whenever she pleaded him like that, filling him with desire beyond reason.

Her hips gyrated suggestively below him, grinding her clit repeatedly against his sensitive balls. Every time their bodies collided, sparks flew between them, electrifying his senses.

Harry groaned deeply, feeling overwhelmed by such unexpected turn of events. He couldn't hold on much longer; his climax loomed nearer than ever before. If he didn't pull away soon, then he would soon be painting his sister's pussy and ass with his cum.

"Fuck... I can't take it anymore!" cried out Harry, trying to resist the urge to burst.

"It's okay, sweetie," reassured Lily calmly, nodding encouragingly at him. "Go ahead and cum, honey. Teach your sister a lesson in humility - show her who's boss around here!"

Those words ignited something primal within him. Without thinking twice, he let go of his inhibitions entirely. "Fuck, Iris, here it comes!" warned Harry loudly, releasing his load right onto his sister's exposed flesh. Hot ropes of seed splattered across her plump ass cheeks, rosebud, and leaking pussy, leaving trails of white markings everywhere.

The women cheered excitedly around them, celebrating the spectacle enthusiastically as Lily snapped picture after picture, capturing each detail flawlessly. Even Iris joined in, moaning loudly under the heavy rain pouring down upon her tender flesh. And Iris really looked stunning in that moment. She was covered from head to toe in his sticky essence, panting heavily while gazing up at him adoringly from over her shoulder.

And just when he thought things couldn't get more intense, another surprise awaited him. As his orgasm finally subsided, Lily reached forth boldly, collecting some of his remaining semen onto her fingers. Then, leaning towards her daughter, she began rubbing those remnants onto Iris' swollen labia, spreading his essence generously around her most intimate regions.

"W-what are you doing, Mum-" stuttered Iris, just as an electric shock ran through her spine. She had been at the brink of her own orgasm for quite some time now, barely able to hold back. And now, her eyes widened suddenly, realising too late where this particular journey might lead.

Before she knew what hit her, her body convulsed violently under the influence of a powerful climax. Waves of euphoria washed over her form, drowning everything else in pure bliss. And judging by the cries of delight echoing throughout the garden, she seemed to enjoy every second spent immersed within that whirlpool of sensations.

"Oh Merlin... Oh fuck..." she moaned breathlessly, shivering slightly under the intensity of her orgasm.

Harry watched in amazement as his little sister writhed shamelessly before him, lost within a world of ecstasy. She looked absolutely breathtaking, radiating beauty and grace even during moments like these. A true masterpiece indeed...

But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end eventually. And it was then, that Lily announced the end of today's session.

"Alright, ladies, I think we got enough material for now," declared Lily proudly, sounding pleased with the outcome. "Let's see if your followers will appreciate our efforts."

Daphne nodded approvingly, smiling warmly at her friend's mum. "Definitely, Mrs Potter! We'll edit those photos right away and post them online as soon as they are ready!"

The group quickly dispersed, with Daphne and Hermione heading back inside to prepare their new content while Lily, Anastasia and Emma decided to go for another dip in the pool. Only Iris remained beside him, looking somewhat embarrassed but also strangely satisfied somehow.

Needing a break himself, Harry chose the sun lounger next to his sister, lying down comfortably on top of it. The warmth emanating from the cushioned bed felt incredible against his naked form, eliciting soft sighs of pleasure from deep within his lungs.

Normally, he would have been ashamed of being caught without clothes on, especially among family members. However, seeing as how Emma and his mum still had their glorious tits out, and that his sister was sunbathing half-naked herself and still covered in his cum, there wasn't much point hiding anything anymore. Besides, the women seemed to enjoy his cock way too much for any real complaints to arise from his exposure anyway.

So, letting loose a final exhalation, he closed his eyes peacefully, drifting off into dreams filled with sinful delights and naughty fantasies involving everyone present at the Manor. Who knows what tomorrow might bring? Perhaps even greater adventures lay waiting just around the corner...

Thanks for reading! A Harry / Tracey one-shot is up next :)


yan boul

Her starts to heat up with her mother and sister.

Daeron Targaryen

Shouldn’t they try to keep their anonymity at least haha, and damn Harry needs to bang them fast.