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Since we already got a few multi-chapter stories in the pipeline, I was thinking of doing a couple of one-shots going forward to keep things a bit fresh. Some shorter stories should also allow you to exercise your voting rights more often :)

To begin with, you can vote for a quick one-chapter story with either:

  • Tracey

  • Ginny

  • Katie

Why these three? I wanted a bit of variety from my usual stories, and they have not been featured heavily (or at all) so far. I am sure we will get to one-shots of the more featured characters shortly :)

I have not directly plotted out their stories just yet (I found it a bit difficult to do so for multiple stories and then just end up writing for one of them in the end), but have some great ideas!

Which characters would you like to see in future one-shots? Please let me know in the comments or in a private message!

The poll is available to Story Shapers here for the next 6 days: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106254751

Thanks for your support! <3



Katie please!

