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Harry had been lost in thought as he walked through the halls of Potter Manor. His mind kept wandering back to the previous day and all the events that transpired since his arrival here, and how everything seemed to have changed so quickly.

He had never imagined that he would be spending the summer with six cock-hungry vixens, each one more insatiable than the last. And never in his wildest dreams had he expected two of those women to be his sister and mum! And while those two women had yet to get a taste of him, Harry was confident that they would eventually come begging for his big fat cock just like their friends.

He shook his head at how quickly things had progressed since then. From innocent dancing by the pool in skimpy bathing suits to recording lewd content on WitchTok and Daphne 'accidentally' flashing his sister and mum with his massive erection, he still couldn't believe what was happening right now.

Harry sighed as he reached the library door. He needed a break from all these thoughts. There were simply too many things racing through his mind at once and he had been falling behind on his reading as a result. So instead of wandering the halls looking for horny witches, Harry decided to spend some time alone in the peace and quiet of the library, hoping it would help him clear his head.

As soon as he stepped inside, however, another set of long legs caught his attention - these ones belonged to Hermione Granger who was stretching up onto her toes at one end of a bookshelf. Harry couldn't help but stare; she looked absolutely incredible in what appeared to be nothing more than some loose pink crop top and a tiny white skirt.

And by tiny, he meant tiny! The fabric barely covered anything except for its hemline which sat just above her hips leaving plenty behind for him to enjoy looking at as she stretched up towards the highest shelves. Harry swallowed hard, his throat going dry almost immediately upon seeing how much skin was on display today compared to when they last met here in this very same place.

It was clear that these women had been dressing more and more provocatively by the day, their skirts and blouses growing shorter and tighter each time he saw them. And some of the ladies had even started going commando underneath those tiny outfits too - something which made his cock twitch involuntarily whenever they bent over or stretched themselves up high enough for him to get a good view.

Even his mum had started dressing more daringly these past few days, opting instead towards loose summer robes that hung off her shoulders and showed lots of cleavage rather than buttoned-up blouse tops like she was used to wearing these past few years. At least she still wore panties beneath those flowing fabrics though... He wasn't sure if he was ready for a look at the forbidden fruit just yet...

One of the girls that had foregone underwear altogether was Hermione herself, who seemed intent on showing off every inch of her body today if her current pose was anything to go by. As his legs carried him closer to where she stood, Harry noticed how far her little crop top had risen due to her arm movements, revealing an ample amount of soft flesh along the way.

Her plump breasts bounced softly as she continued reaching higher, giving him quite the show indeed. In fact, he could practically hear her moaning already, imagining himself touching those luscious mounds before sinking deep between her cheeks until she came all over his shaft.

"You look amazing," Harry called out without thinking, causing Hermione to jump slightly before turning around to face him. Her cheeks turned bright red instantly, making her blue eyes sparkle with delight. "Thank you," she replied coyly, smiling broadly at him.

She played with the bottom edge of her skirt nervously, pulling it lower only for it to snap back up again, exposing her bare thighs to his gaze. It sent a shiver down his spine, knowing full well that she wasn't wearing anything underneath those thin layers of fabric. Just the thought of seeing her naked, willing form again brought a smile to his lips.

"Actually, you're exactly the person I wanted to find," Hermione added, taking a step forward towards him. "I wanted to thank you properly for helping us record our videos." Before he knew it, she leaned into him, pressing her chest against his own and placing a small kiss on his cheek. "We wouldn't have gotten nearly as many views without your contribution."

Harry felt his heart skip several beats as her warm breath tickled his ear, sending shivers running down his spine. She smelled delicious, her sweet perfume filling his nostrils and making him want to burrow deeper into her embrace. Instinctively, he wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her even closer. She didn't resist, allowing him to pull her tight against his chest and grind his bulge into her hip.

"There are plenty of ways you can thank me..." Harry murmured seductively, leaning in close to whisper directly into her ear. His words caused her whole body to tremble, her nipples stiffening instantly at the mere suggestion.

Without waiting for a response, he took hold of her hand and guided it down between their bodies, pressing it firmly against his growing erection. She gasped quietly, feeling the heat emanating from within as well as the length straining against her palm. "Oh my god..." she breathed softly, squeezing gently as she explored its shape and size.

Within seconds, Harry found himself lifting her up by her ass, carrying her effortlessly across the room towards a secluded corner hidden behind a tall bookshelf. He pressed her up against the bookshelf, trapping her hands above her head as he kissed her deeply, exploring every inch of her mouth with his tongue.

Their tongues duelled fiercely while he ground his hips into hers, letting her feel just how ready he was for action right then and there. She moaned loudly, unable to contain herself anymore, surrendering fully to his touch.

"Fuck, I need this so bad!" she panted desperately, grinding herself against him harder. Her wetness soaked through his clothes, leaving a dark patch on the front of his shorts.

He grinned wickedly at her eagerness, dropping his hands from her wrists and sliding them down her arms slowly. When he reached her elbows, he pushed her sleeves further up her arms, revealing the milky globes of her tits completely. They looked incredible, large and heavy with perky pink nipples begging for attention.

He wasted no time, cupping one in each hand and massaging them tenderly. Each pinch sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins, bringing colour to her cheeks and igniting fire in her loins.

"Mmmm... Yes! Squeeze them harder, Harry!" she pleaded huskily, biting her lip as she watched him play with her sensitive mounds. The sensation was driving her wild, pushing her ever closer to orgasmic release.

Harry obliged, kneading them roughly while teasing her nipples mercilessly. Then, when he couldn't take it anymore, he lowered his head and sucked one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it lovingly.

Hermione cried out in ecstasy, bucking her hips uncontrollably against him. Her nails dug into his shoulders, urging him to continue faster and deeper. And so he did, switching between each breast until they were both slick with saliva and dripping milk.

"Please... Take me now!" she whimpered, spreading her legs wider apart to give him better access. Her leaking scent filled the air around them, making Harry dizzy with anticipation.

Slowly, he slid his fingers down her stomach, tracing invisible patterns across her skin until he reached her drenched folds. A single digit slipped inside easily, curling upwards to stroke her g-spot gently.

Her muscles clenched around it immediately, gripping tightly as if trying to keep it trapped forevermore. But instead of fighting her grip, Harry merely increased the tempo, fucking her steadily with two fingers now.

"Ahhh... Yessss!" she screamed, arching her back and thrusting herself onto his invading digits. "I've been dreaming about this since you fingered me here last week!"

Harry chuckled darkly, adding another finger inside her entrance and stretching her wide open. She squealed in delight, loving every second of being stretched beyond belief.

"Did you imagine what it would feel like having my cock filling you up instead?" he growled into her ear, increasing the pace even more.

"Yes! Oh yes, please!" she begged, riding his fingers furiously. "Give me that big fat cock, Harry!"

And with those words alone, Harry decided enough was enough. He needed to fill her completely, claiming her as his very own fucktoy right then and there. So, without any warning, he dropped his shorts and boxers, freeing his throbbing shaft before her eyes.

It sprang forth eagerly, slapping against her lower belly and causing her to jump slightly. A small smile played on her lips as she admired its sheer size and thickness, knowing full well that she had never taken anything bigger than her wand before.

"Are you sure you can handle all of this?" Harry asked jokingly, giving her a wink.

But Hermione wasn't amused; she wanted nothing more than to have that meat deep inside her right away. "Just do it already," she huffed impatiently, turning around to present her plump ass to him.

As soon as she bent over, her little skirt flipped upwards, exposing her bare bottom to his gaze. It was perfect, round and firm with just the slightest hint of pink blushing along its surface.

Without hesitation, Harry positioned himself directly behind her, rubbing his tip against her slippery folds. His hands roamed freely across her curves, feeling every dip and curve as he prepared to impale her.

"Ready?" he whispered huskily, pulling back slightly only to surge forward again.

When he finally pushed forward, he felt her walls resist momentarily before yielding completely. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips as she adjusted to his size, but within seconds, she began pushing herself backwards, wanting more.

"Yesss..." she hissed softly, pressing herself backwards to meet him halfway. Their bodies met with an audible squelch, marking the beginning of their union.

For several minutes, Harry fucked her hard and fast, enjoying the way her flesh rippled under his hands and how her moans grew louder with each passing moment. Every inch of him was coated in her juices, lubricating his movements perfectly.

"Fuck! FUCK!" she shouted suddenly, grabbing hold of the bookshelf for support, burying her face into the spines beside her. "I'm gonna cum!"

Her body shuddered violently, signalling her imminent climax. In response, Harry quickened his pace, drilling her relentlessly till she came all over his length, screaming loudly at the top of her lungs.

The rhythmic sounds of flesh smacking flesh echoed throughout the library, growing louder with every thrust. But Hermione didn't seem to notice or care; she simply let go entirely, surrendering herself to the pleasure coursing through her veins.

Just when Harry thought things couldn't get any hotter, however, another voice entered the mix - this time belonging to none other than Emma Granger who seemed to have walked into the library during their heated session.

"Hermione? Are you in here?" she called out innocently, not realising that her daughter was currently getting railed by her best friend's son just a few feet away.

Luckily for them, they were hidden behind the tall bookshelves, allowing them to remain undetected while still keeping tabs on whoever might enter. Harry slowed down considerably, letting her relax fully before resuming once more.

Emma continued searching for her daughter, calling out her name from time to time. Eventually, she passed close enough to where they were hiding, prompting Harry to pull out of Hermione's sloppy cunt and push her down onto her knees to hide her from view.

And not a moment too soon either, because just as he stuffed his cock down Hermione's eager throat, Emma stopped directly opposite their bookshelf, seemingly having heard something strange going on nearby.

Knowing that the game was about to be up, Harry decided to take the initiative.

"Emma! There you are!" Harry said cheerfully, pushing deeper into Hermione's mouth until she gagged softly. "What brings you here today?"

Emma looked puzzled for a brief moment, as if wondering where his voice was coming from, before spotting Harry between the books on the shelf. Her expression changed immediately, becoming much softer and warmer. "Oh, hi Harry!" she replied warmly, smiling brightly at him. "I was just looking for my daughter... I thought I heard her somewhere around here."

Harry feigned ignorance, pretending to search for her too. "Really? Well, I haven't seen her yet. Maybe she went outside?"

"Maybe..." Emma agreed, taking a step closer to where they hid. She reached out and took one of the books off the shelf, to make it easier for them to talk.

As she did, Harry noticed how short her summer dress was, leaving plenty of thigh exposed for his viewing pleasure. The sight brought another wave of lust crashing through him, making him want to bend her over right then and there.

Unfortunately, such thoughts would have to wait, especially since he was still buried deep inside Hermione's willing throat. He could feel her swallowing him hungrily, desperate to taste every last drop of pre-cum oozing out of his shaft. And desperate to get her reward before her mother whisked him away.

"Anyway," Emma continued, unaware of what was happening mere inches away from her. "Do you fancy giving me another ride on your broom later today? The way you it made me feel last time was simply amazing!"

Hermione, still obediently on her knees and between his legs, suddenly choked on his manhood, causing Harry to grin wickedly. Apparently, she had been eavesdropping on their conversation too. And if her reaction was anything to go by, she wasn't exactly expecting to hear about her mum riding his cock anytime soon.

But despite her initial discomfort, Harry knew better than to stop now. Instead, he grabbed hold of her head firmly and started fucking her face harder, determined to finish off inside her eager mouth.

"Sure thing, Emma!" he groaned deeply, thrusting himself even further down her daughter's throat. "We can go whenever you like."

His words caused Emma's eyes to light up instantly, and her face broke out into a wide smile. "Is fifteen minutes okay?" she asked hopefully, biting her lip excitedly.

Harry nodded, feeling his balls tighten as he neared release. "Perfect," he growled lowly, gripping Hermione's hair tightly as he prepared to flood her throat with his load.

And that was what did it. Seeing Emma's angelic face so eager and happy at getting to spend time with him was simply too much, triggering his orgasm almost instantly. Within seconds, he grunted loudly as rope after rope of thick white seed shot forth, filling Hermione's waiting maw completely.

The girl swallowed quickly, drinking him down thirstily while trying to keep quiet so as not to alert her mum to their presence. Finally, when the last droplet escaped his tip, Harry pulled free from her throat and smiled triumphantly down at her.

"Good girl," he praised quietly, patting her cheek gently. Then, turning back towards Emma, he added, "So shall we meet outside then?"

Emma beamed at him, nodding enthusiastically. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement, her breasts jiggling enticingly within her thin dress. "See you soon!" With that, she put the book back onto the shelf and left the library, leaving Harry alone with Hermione once again.

For several moments, neither spoke nor moved, both simply enjoying each other's company without interruption. But eventually, Hermione looked up at him, her cheeks flushed pink from exertion.

"Thank you, Harry," she whispered softly, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing herself against him lovingly. "That was incredible..."

He chuckled lightly, stroking her hair tenderly. "No problem, Hermione. It was my pleasure."

Then, leaning in close, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead before helping her stand back up. Their bodies entwined once more, tangling together passionately as they shared one final embrace before parting ways.

"Now, you'll have me excused," Harry murmured huskily, pulling away slightly. "It seems I have a date with your mum awaiting me outside..."

Hermione giggled quietly, blushing even redder than before. "Of course," she replied coyly, reaching down to adjust her skirt properly, though it didn't do much to cover her bare bottom any better than before. "Have fun!" she said before she could think twice, realising too late what she had just suggested.

Harry laughed heartily, shaking his head playfully. "Don't worry, Hermione," he reassured her, giving her firm bubble butt a gentle squeeze. "I will definitely enjoy myself."

With a playful wink, Harry turned around and headed for the door, leaving behind a satisfied woman who couldn't help but stare at his departing form longingly. She watched until he disappeared from view entirely, knowing full well that this wouldn't be the end of their encounters. Not by a long shot...


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