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Harry woke up the next morning feeling incredibly refreshed, having enjoyed one of the best nights of sleep in recent memory. His dreams had been filled with erotic visions of the previous night's events, and he woke up with a half-hard cock pressing against his pyjama trousers.

It didn't take long for him to remember why. Last night's tryst with Anastasia had been nothing short of spectacular, and the thought of her riding him so passionately was still fresh in his mind. And to think that he had dreaded staying at the Manor with all of these naughty ladies over the summer! If this was how things were going to go down, he couldn't wait for the coming weeks.

As soon as he was somewhat presentable, Harry made his way downstairs into the kitchen, eager to see what fate had cooked up for him today. And as Harry would soon find out, destiny seemed to favour him greatly.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Lily greeted him warmly, smiling brightly as he entered the room. She looked even more radiant than usual, dressed in a loose pink robe that fell open slightly to reveal a generous expanse of cleavage. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, framing her beautiful face perfectly.

"Morning, Mum," Harry replied, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air, making him want to bury himself in her embrace right then and there, while motorboating her full tits. But unfortunately, he knew better than to let such thoughts run wild. At least not yet.

He turned towards the table, where he saw Emma sitting comfortably beside Lily, a cup of tea in hand. She too greeted him warmly, her eyes sparkling with a mischief he couldn't quite place. Something told him that she knew exactly what had transpired between him and Anastasia last night. He wondered briefly how much the women shared amongst themselves.

Seated his side of the table was Anastasia, looking every inch the sophisticated businesswoman, despite the early hour. She was wearing an elegant green outfit consisting of a tiny hip wrap and a fancy bikini-like top. Her legs were crossed gracefully, revealing a glimpse of her creamy thighs.

Harry swallowed hard, remembering the way those same legs had wrapped around him last night. Her nipples were also clearly visible through the thin fabric, and Harry couldn't help but wonder whether she wore any underwear at all beneath that dress. Harry's mouth went dry as he imagined those delicious breasts pressed against his chest once more.

A small smirk played on her lips as she met his gaze, and Harry couldn't help but wonder what she was plotting. No doubt something kinky, judging by her mischievous expression. It only fuelled his excitement further.

"Good morning, Harry," she said, her tone light and playful. "Sleep well?"

Harry nodded, unable to keep the grin off his face. "Like a baby," he confirmed, taking a seat opposite her.

His eyes were then drawn to two boxes that sat on the table, each about the size of a shoe box. They were both neatly packaged in plain brown wrapping, tied securely with string. Harry's curiosity was instantly piqued.

"What's this then?" he asked, gesturing towards the mysterious parcels.

Anastasia chuckled, a rich and deep sound that sent shivers down his spine. "Oh, I was just about to tell Lily and Emma about my new business venture," she explained, giving him a wink. Then, she reached forward and picked up one of the boxes, pushing it gently towards Lily. "Go on," she urged. "Open it."

Lily accepted the gift eagerly, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. A small smile played on her lips as she carefully undid the string and folded back the paper, revealing a deep purple colour within. Harry's pulse quickened as realisation dawned on him. Without a word, Lily picked up the lifelike object and held it up for the others to see.

In Lily's tiny hands lay a perfect replica of Harry's erection, crafted with such detail that it almost appeared real. The veins, the shape, the very essence of his manhood had been captured flawlessly by Anastasia. And now, none other than his very own mother was fondling it right before his eyes.

Harry felt a surge of heat in his cheeks as he watched Lily closely inspecting the toy. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of it, and she ran a finger along its length, causing Harry's actual cock to twitch in response, as if it was him she was touching instead. "My goodness!" she exclaimed, blushing faintly. "This... This looks incredibly realistic."

Emma leaned forward curiously, peeking at the replica cock from different angles. "Doesn't it, though? I mean, the attention to detail is astounding," she added, running her thumb along the shaft admiringly. Her eyes met Harry's momentarily, and she blushed, a knowing smile playing on her lips. He could tell she knew exactly whose member it was modelled after, having intimately explored his flesh just days ago by the lake. He only hoped she wouldn't tell his mother, who was still holding it in front of her like some sort of delicate trophy.

"I'm... Not sure if it is appropriate for us to be discussing this in front of our young man here, however..." Lily trailed off, a hint of unease in her voice as she glanced over at her son, her hands still delicately cradling the replica penis.

Anastasia chuckled again, that deep, sultry laugh that did strange things to Harry's insides. "Nonsense, Lily dear," she dismissed, waving her hand casually. "We're all family and friends here. Why should we feel shy about something so natural? Besides, it's high time you two started thinking about your own needs while your husbands are away enjoying themselves." She gave a significant look in Harry's direction, and his heart skipped a beat. Had she really just implied what he thought she had?

With that, Lily's inhibitions seemed to melt away. She sighed heavily, a small, content smile spreading across her face as she continued to admire the dildo. "You're right, Anastasia," she murmured, caressing the fake cock tenderly. "It's been far too long since James and I... You know." Her face flushed a pretty shade of pink as she looked up at Harry, a mix of embarrassment and desire in her eyes. "Had sex, I mean," she clarified. "Maybe it is time it's time I did something about that."

Harry couldn't believe his ears! His mother was actually considering using a replica of his cock to fulfil her needs. If only she knew... The thought alone was enough to push his libido into overdrive, and his cock began to strain against his shorts like never before. He stared at his mother's hands, enraptured as they stroked the toy that represented his manliness. How he wished it was his actual cock being handled so lovingly.

Meanwhile, Anastasia handed the second box to Emma. "And this one is yours, darling," she purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Now, please remember to provide some feedback. I want to ensure the product satisfies my customers' needs before I bring it to market."

Emma took the box gratefully, setting it aside to open later. "Thank you, Ana," she said sincerely, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to try it out." Her gaze flicked briefly towards Harry once more, and she bit her lip, a deep blush creeping up her cheeks.

After a moment of silence, Lily finally managed to tear her eyes away from the dildo and stood up gracefully. "I've got some pastries fresh out of the oven," she suddenly announced, busying herself with fetching plates and cutlery to hide her growing blush.

Her loose pink robe, which was fastened around the waist with a simple knot, fell open further as she rose, granting Harry an even better view of her impressive cleavage. Her full breasts threatened to spill out at any moment, and Harry had to remind himself not to stare too obviously.

The three ladies spent the next few minutes engaging in small talk while enjoying the delicious breakfast treats Lily had prepared. All the while, Harry could barely concentrate on anything but the tantalising image of his mother and Emma fucking themselves with replicas of his penis later that night. The thought alone kept his cock rock hard beneath the table.

Before Harry knew it, breakfast was over, and he finally escaped to the sanctuary of his room, his mind racing with all manner of dirty thoughts. But little did he know, the day's true adventures were yet to begin.


Some time later, after having spent a leisurely morning catching up on some reading, Harry searched the Manor for the girls, curious about their plans for the day. It wasn't long before he found them huddled in the drawing-room, deep in discussion.

Hermione, Iris and Daphne were seated on the couch, watching as Iris tapped away on her phone. Harry hesitated outside the door, unsure whether he should interrupt. Then, through the slightly ajar door, he overheard snippets of their conversation.

"Our latest video has blown up overnight!" Iris exclaimed excitedly. "Our subscribers have gone nuts for it!"

"Yes, it's incredible!" Hermione agreed, clapping her hands together. "That one video has gained more views than all our others combined!"

"Yes, but that's only because people loved seeing your reaction to Harry's huge cock!" Daphne retorted, rolling her eyes. "It's practically the star of the show!"

"I know, and it's embarrassing!" Iris huffed. "People keep asking for more. I don't know how much clearer we can make it-we're not a porn channel!"

"But that's exactly why they're loving it!" Daphne insisted. "It's naughty and taboo. We'd be stupid not to capitalise on it."

"I agree with Daphne," Hermione added in a reasonable tone. "Think of it as art. We're capturing beauty in its rawest form. And besides, it's not like anyone will ever know it's your brother's cock, Iris."

"That's easy for you two to say!" Iris snapped. "It's my brother we're talking about!"

Harry took that moment to clear his throat loudly, having had enough fun eavesdropping. The girls jumped at the sound and turned towards him, their faces varying between shocked and apologetic.

"Oh, hi Harry," Hermione greeted him sheepishly, while Iris simply blushed.

Daphne, however, seemed unbothered by his presence. In fact, she smirked boldly and gestured for him to enter. "Come join us, Harry," she invited, indicating the sofa opposite them. "We were just talking about you."

Harry stepped into the room, feeling slightly self-conscious under the combined scrutiny of three pairs of beautiful female eyes. He sat down as instructed, though his heart pounded in his chest. It was only then that he had the time to take in their outfits.

It seemed to Harry that the girls were dressing naughtier by the day. Iris's outfit left little to the imagination. She was dressed in a tiny booty shorts that Harry knew would have showcased every delectable curve of her ass if she chose to stand up at that moment. And her top must barely have passed for a bra, leaving most of her upper torso and breasts exposed. He chalked it up to the warm supper weather and recent fashion trends, but still, it left him breathless.

Hermione looked equally enticing, sitting demurely with her knees pressed together. Her short skirt revealed plenty of thigh and was just a moment away from revealing much, much more. Her off-shoulder crop-top strained against her generous bust, threatening to slip off at any moment and expose her breasts. Harry could see the outline of her nipples clearly through the thin fabric, and his mouth went dry.

As for Daphne, she looked every inch the confident vixen. Her denim shorts were a tad longer than Iris's, but still showed off her lean thighs wonderfully. A tight white crop top accentuated her ample cleavage, and the hint of her perky breasts' lower edge peeking out beneath the article sent a bolt of electricity straight to Harry's groin.

"So... What were you just discussing?" Harry asked, trying to appear casual despite his racing heartbeat.

"Our WitchTok channel, actually," Hermione answered, avoiding his gaze. "Our latest video seems to have become incredibly popular, which is great. But..." She trailed off, glancing at the other girls.

"People want more content, duh," Iris interjected, rolling her eyes again. "They've been flooding our comments section with requests for more content of us with... That," she finished weakly, gestures vaguely towards his crotch.

Harry feigned surprise, though inside he was thrilled beyond belief. "Really? So you uploaded the video of Daphne exposing me, eh?" he teased, unable to suppress a smug grin. Deep down, he knew full well they had, given his status as their biggest donor. Still, it was fun playing along.

Daphne chuckled, leaning back nonchalantly, drawing his eyes to her taut stomach and the curve of her hips. "You didn't think it was an accident, did you?" she challenged playfully. "I knew it would be a hit. The expressions of your Mum and sister when they saw it... Priceless." She winked.

Harry's cheeks heated up at the memory. Indeed, Lily and Iris' reactions upon witnessing his aching cock had been priceless. Their shocked, yet fascinated gazes burned into his mind. If only they knew he got that way thinking about them!

"Anyway," Hermione continued, "the point is, we'd like to borrow your... ah... cock, from time to time. For some future videos, I mean." She bit her lip, looking up at him imploringly, her cheeks flushed.

Borrow my cock? The thought alone was enough to send shivers down Harry's spine. To have his manhood becoming a permanent fixture on these ladies' social media platform, and by extension, their lives as well, was beyond enticing. Had his anonymous comment yesterday really worked? Would he finally get to see these girls drool over his cock on a permanent basis? The very idea made him giddy.

"No we are not!" Iris exclaimed suddenly, folding her arms beneath her breasts, making them strain even further against her fashionable bra-top. "I can't go around playing with my brother's dick on camera! People will find out eventually!"

That people finding out was Iris' biggest worry said a lot about how far the girls were willing to go for more views. Harry suppressed a smirk.

"Iris dear, it's not like we're going to tell them it's Harry's," Daphne reasoned calmly. "We'll just say it belongs to some random guy. They don't need to know the details."

Harry held his breath, awaiting Iris' response. This was the make or break moment. If she agreed, his life at the Manor this summer would reach new, unprecedented levels of debauchery.

To his delight, after a moment's hesitation, Iris relented with a grumble. "Fine," she huffed. "But you girls will handle the majority of the filming, okay? I'll only lend a hand if the comments start requesting my involvement specifically."

Hermione's face lit up at the news, while Daphne simply smiled enigmatically. And secretly, Harry was overjoyed too, his cock twitching in anticipation. Iris' conditional refusal to join in on the action only meant he had to make another anonymous donation, encouraging the girls to include more of her. It was all Harry could do not to leap across the couch and hug the both of them in excitement. Instead, he kept his composure, playing it cool. "What's in it for me, then?" he asked, curious what these lovely young women might offer in return for such a generous loan.

The girls exchanged looks, before Daphne stood up gracefully and moved towards him. Harry's pulse quickened as she stopped right in front of him, fixing him with a bold gaze. Then, without a word, she dropped to her knees, causing Harry's heart to skip a beat. "You get to enjoy the show, obviously," she purred, reaching forward and grabbing hold of his shorts.

"Wait!!" Hermione exclaimed suddenly, standing up next to Daphne. "Let's film this. We can use your phone, Iris. This is definitely content our viewers will love."

Harry couldn't argue with that logic. Besides, having the event recorded would allow him to relive it forever. He felt a surge of excitement as the girls' naughty plans began to take shape.

With that, Iris quickly handed her phone to Harry, who snatched it eagerly and rose from the couch to capture the upcoming spectacle at the best angle possible. His hands trembled slightly as he set up the device, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

And with the camera ready and recording, Daphne's skilled fingers went to work on his flies. Harry's breath hitched in his throat as the top button was undone and his shorts lowered ever so slowly, revealing the prize within. A soft moan escaped Daphne's lips as his thick shaft sprang free, slapping her lightly across the face. Her eyes widened in delighted shock, and Harry could've sworn he saw a hint of drool appear at the corners of her mouth.

Harry focused the camera on the scene before him as Daphne started running her hands up and down his now fully exposed erection, enjoying every second of the tease. She looked up at him briefly, her eyes sparkling with pure lust. "Isn't it beautiful?" she cooed, running her thumb along the sensitive underside of his cock. Harry's legs nearly gave way beneath him at the intimate contact. He glanced down at the screen, watching as the image of Daphne's exquisite hands stroking his length appeared on the display.

Iris couldn't contain herself any longer. "Merlin" she whispered hoarsely, eyeing the scene before them in fascination. "It's even bigger than I remembered!"

Meanwhile, Hermione had positioned herself directly behind Harry, close enough that her ample cleavage pressed against his back. Her warm breath ghosted across his ear as she whispered lewd suggestions for him and Daphne, egging them on. "Tell him how much you want to suck his big cock, Daph," she urged, her hands gently massaging Harry's shoulders.

Daphne's eyes locked onto his, and she licked her full, lush lips sensually. "Mmm... Yes..." she murmured huskily. "Your big, fat cock has been on my mind ever since yesterday. I've been dreaming about it filling my mouth, and sliding down my tight, little throat..." With that, she leaned forward and captured the tip between her luscious lips, causing Harry's eyes to roll back in ecstasy.

A strangled moan slipped past his lips as Daphne took the first inch into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue swirled around the sensitive head, sending shivers up his spine. The image on the phone screen showed Daphne's gorgeous face looking straight into the camera, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him with expertise, her eyes shining with a mix of lust and determination.

Harry was in heaven. Having his cock worshipped by the stunning Daphne Greengrass while being filmed for an audience was beyond anything he'd ever imagined. She looked like an angel sent straight from heaven to satisfy his most perverted desires as she gazed up at him adoringly through half-lidded eyes. Her hands continued working his shaft, ensuring every inch remained slick with her saliva.

Hermione's whispers grew louder and more explicit as Daphne's head bobbed up and down. "Take it deeper, Daphne! Show us how much of a cock-slut you are!" she goaded. "Get that huge thing down your throat!"

Harry's breath came in short gasps as Daphne seemed to take Hermione's advice quite literally. Inch by glorious inch, his entire shaft disappeared into her waiting mouth. Harry's eyes bulged out of his head as he watched Daphne's cheeks hollow, stretching to accommodate his thickness. Her hands braced either side of his thighs for support, and still, she continued going until her nose touched his pelvis.

"Oh fuck... That's it... That's the hottest thing I've ever seen..." Harry heard Iris breathe beside him, the phone almost dropping from his grasp.

He knew that view was indeed something special. Seeing Daphne's exquisite face so close to his crotch, knowing that his cock was fully down her fantastic throat being pleasured by those full, red lips, was incredibly erotic.

He stole a quick glance at his sister through the corner of his eye of his eye, seeing her bite her lip as she watched the spectacle intently. Her own hand had found its way to her chest, kneading one of her breasts over the fabric of her bra. The sight sent another jolt of electricity through him. He wondered if she realised how turned on she looked right then. Maybe she wasn't as opposed to playing with his cock as she had originally let on.

Daphne must have arrived at the same conclusion, because she pulled off abruptly with a lewd pop, leaving Harry's manhood dripping wet. A strand of it connected the tip to her lush, red lips, and she ran her tongue along it, savouring the taste. Then, looking sideways at Iris, she said breathlessly, "Now, who's the pervert? Hmm?"

Irish blushed at being caught.

Harry groaned loudly as Daphne returned to work on his cock with renewed vigour, seemingly intent on milking him dry right there and then. But just when he thought things couldn't get any better, Hermione pipped up again.

"Grab a fistful of that blonde hair and fuck her face, Harry!" she suggested eagerly. "Show Daphne what a real man does to a girl who's begging for his cum."

The words were barely out of Hermione's mouth before Harry acted on the salacious suggestion. He gripped a handful of Daphne's silken locks and thrust his hips forward slightly, pushing his cock further into Daphne's willing orifice. The angle changed slightly, and Harry could feel the difference immediately. Daphne's eyes widened at the new sensation, yet she didn't protest in the slightest. Instead, she simply moaned around his meat, encouraging him to continue.

So Harry did. With each subtle thrust of his hips, Daphne's pretty blue eyes rolled back in ecstasy. Her hands left his thighs and moved to brace themselves against the couch behind her instead. Hermione's fingers dug gently but firmly into Harry's shoulders, urging him on. And guided by her expert touch, Harry began picking up the pace, thrusting his hips rhythmically.

Daphne's entire body quivered with each powerful stroke, and Harry revelled in the sight of her being dominated so thoroughly. He felt a sense of pride swell within him, knowing that it was his cock bringing this vixenish woman such pleasure. On the screen, her cheeks became an even prettier shade of red as she struggled to keep up with his increasing tempo. Yet despite the obvious challenge, she continued sucking him diligently, her eyes squeezed shut now as she focused solely on giving him pleasure.

"That's it... Fuck her good and hard..." Hermione whispered hoarsely in his ear, her hot breath sending thrilling shudders across his skin. Her hands tightened their grip, and Harry followed suit by accelerating his movements further. Daphne's eyes opened wide as she started choking, unable to keep up with his relentless pace. Her whole body shook violently with each powerful stroke, and soon enough, clear tears streamed down her face, mixing with the copious amounts of saliva dripping down her chin.

Yet still, she persevered, refusing to push him away. Harry admired her determination immensely. It only made him want to reward her all the more. So he kept thrusting, driving his thick cock deeper and deeper into her willing mouth, relishing each moistened decibel that escaped her lips.

"Mmmmphh... hmmmpphhhh..." Daphne choked, her eyes watering heavily as she continued valiantly trying to keep up with Harry's relentless pace. He could tell she was reaching her limit, yet somehow, some masochistic part of her enjoyed the challenge. Or maybe it was the thrill of being utterly dominated that kept her going. Whatever the reason, Harry was grateful beyond measure.

Meanwhile, Harry's own release was building rapidly towards its climax. With each passing moment, the pressure in his loins mounted, and the need to spend himself grew more and more irresistible. Daphne's skilled orals coupled with Hermione's enticing suggestions were proving too much for him to handle. He knew he wouldn't last much longer.

"Fuck... You're gonna make me cum, you little minx," Harry growled, a mix of warning and admiration in his tone. Yet even as he spoke, he felt his balls draw tight, signalling the imminent eruption.

Hermione grinned widely. "Do it! Paint her face with your load!" she urged excitedly. "Make her your little cum slut!"

And with that final encouragement, Harry's control snapped. He released his grip on Daphne's hair, withdrawing his shaft from her mouth. She looked up at him, eyes pleading for his cum, a cute, hopeful smile on her lips. Without hesitation, Harry grabbed hold of his length and aimed it directly at Daphne's beautiful face.

With a loud groan, he emptied himself onto the waiting features of the Slytherin beauty. A thick stream of pearly white spunk landed square on her forehead, causing her to flinch in surprise. More jets followed, coating her nose, cheeks and chin, until finally, the last few drops dripped onto her luscious lips.

Harry watched in satisfaction as Daphne licked her lips clean, swallowing every delicious drop. Then, turning towards the phone's camera, she gave a naughty wink before standing up gracefully.

Harry lowered the phone, his heart pounding fiercely in his chest. He could die happy now, having just witnessed - and participated in - one of the most erotic scenes of his life. Daphne was the Hogwarts tease, and he had spent countless nights fantasising about her, yet never once had he imagined that he would be able to dominate her so thoroughly. That thought alone brought a silly grin to his face.

While Harry was busy basking in post-orgasmic bliss, Hermione rushed forward with her phone, holding it close to Daphne's cum-splattered face. She snapped several pictures at different angles, capturing the sticky mess glistening across Daphne's flawless complexion. "There! That should keep the viewers entertained while we set up the next scene!" she said cheerfully, before wiping some of the cum off Daphne's cheek with a finger and popping it into her mouth.

Harry's grin widened further at the intimate act. These girls really were something else.

Iris scowled at Hermione, wrinkling her perfect nose in disgust. "Disgusting", she muttered under her breath, though her voice lacked any real conviction. Harry noticed how her eyes kept darting towards his cock, which was very much still on display. He also couldn't help but notice the dark patch that had formed at the crotch of her tiny booty shorts, evidence of her excitement seeping through the thin fabric.

Perhaps there was hope for her involvement yet. Harry resolved to make another anonymous donation, encouraging the girls to include more of Iris in future videos. After all, if anyone deserved to play with his cock, it was definitely these three lovely ladies. And if they wanted it badly enough as a result, who was he to refuse?