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Great Expectations

Help for the Lovelorn


Felicity 2x9 2x10 2x11.mov


Andrew Pulrang

Couldn’t resist because I’ll be first to answer the question: The Palm Pilot was a pre-smartphone personal electronic organizer. Its features eventually got super close to what smartphones and tablets do now, and then Blackberry came along doing much the same thing and overshadowed the Palm brand, then ... the iPhone leapfrogged over all of them. So again Felicity is a wonderful time capsule of our fairly recent past.

Andrew Pulrang

So, “Help For The Lovelorn” is a tribute to the 1960s sci-if anthology TV series “The Twilight Zone,” in which each episode was a stand-alone, short story with mysterious or magical overtones. Apparently, JJ Abrams was a huge fan of the series, and wanted to do an homage to it with Felicity. The first part, about The Clinic, was I think just similar to the old TV show in theme and tone. But the bit with the box was a very direct homage to an actual “Twilight Zone” episode about a bunch of random people waking up inside a box and trying to figure out who they were and why they were there. On a side note, the director for this episode was Lamont Johnson, who was a frequent director and writer on “The Twilight Zone.” Abrams recruited him to direct this episode to help make it a real tribute.

Richard Ashton

I had a Palm Vx with modem and Bluetooth adapters. So clunky by today’s standards.