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Gilmore Girls 2x6 2x7.mov


Andrew Pulrang

I enjoy both of these episodes, and the reactions were great as always. But one thing has always bothered me about the Chilton Puffs story. It’s hard for me to believe that Headmaster Charlton would be that unaware of even a secret sorority that’s been part of the school culture for decades, and has done the bell ringing thing presumably for many years. He acts like it’s all a shocking surprise. A more realistic scenario would be if he was entirely aware of it, but in a years long struggle to regulate it by trying to stop their little breaking and entering routine. In actual prestigious schools and colleges that’s what administrations do with their secret and long-standing but unofficial traditions ... they kind of accept them because it helps build lifelong loyalty in alumni, but they also try to curb their excesses. They try to at least show they are in charge and not the secret clubs and cliques, but they do it carefully so as not to actually discourage them and the exclusivity they foster. I could see Charlton saying, “We know all about the Puffs, but I’d hoped you girls were smarter than to get yourselves in trouble so carelessly!” It’s a nitpick, but as good as this show is they occasionally over-simplify the habits and rituals of the upper class world they are portraying, and make it just a bit stupider than it has to be ... which is unnecessary because the reality of it is quite bonkers enough without embellishment and exaggeration.