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Shiny Happy People.mov



"You love her very much. Both of you. Don't you see? You have the same love. It should bring you closer together, not drive you apart." Every time I rewatch seasons 3 and 4 and how that love triangle unfolded, I think about this line. And how sad it was that Wesley and Gunn wouldn't repair their friendship even after Wesley rejoined the group. And that the first person Wesley told about Fred's "betrayal" in this ep was Gunn (I mean he was physically closest, but still). At the end of the episode, they're united because of a shared love, except it's love for Jasmine and it's against Fred. A lot of Jasmine's lines really resonate, they wrote her as a pretty convincing spiritual leader if you ask me. It's definitely creepy, but also kinda intoxicating? I'm kinda fascinated by cults, and the writers and Gina Torres nailed the magnetism of cult leaders' personalities.


I think this might be my favorite episode from season 4. I don’t know why, but I get crazy Lovecraft vibes from this story arc.