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Assassins S1E17.mov


Andrew Pulrang

It’s tough to watch Felicity and Noel stumble through these problems. But I can’t help thinking how essentially nice Ely is. I can’t quite see Felicity going back to him, but it feels like they could have had some kind of relationship if the circumstances had been different.

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I can't blame Felicity in this situation. Noel basically expected her to wait so that he can go out with his ex girlfriend, really?! I like Noel, but fuck him in this situation lol. Noel waited for Felicity to get over Ben, but he and Felicity were not deep into a relationship at the time and he knew that nothing would ever happen between she and Ben because Ben didn't reciprocate her feelings. Noel caused all of this to happen. yes we can't help how we feel, but he basically broke up with Felicity and she had to watch him walk away with another girl. Felicity is blameless imo.