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The Box Part 2 (S1E13).mov



Hmm... Patreon keeps eating my comments. One more try: QT’s repulsiveness works perfectly for this character who is just so full of himself and only calls women “Baby” or “Pigtails,” while he uses names for the men. They wrote Tarantino-esque dialogue for him, some of which was good ("lil' sumthin sumpthin"); some was a bit much, like intentionally annoying monologuing that probably tortured Sloane more than the actual torture. “I can’t be the first person to have difficulty taking you seriously, am I?” Sloane is a beast in this episode. I mean, he’s awful but he’s so fascinating, and the way he so easily breaks Cole to get him to murder Toni is both impressive and terrifying. There’s a blink-and-you’ll miss line in the beginning when he spots Cole. Sloane is trying to contact his wife’s doctor. His wife has been brought up a few times, and this another way of humanizing Sloane. The two-parter is bookended with Sydney saying, “The truth changes everything,” and Sloane saying, “This has changed everything.” Good thing Marshall is better at morse code than Sydney. :) I’m usually not a fan of testosterone displays, but I love everything about Vaughn and Haladki’s fight in the bullpen. Haladki is the perfect weaselly antagonist to bring out more shades in our boy scout Vaughn. Btw, Dr. Barnett is played by Patricia Wettig, the RL wife of producer/director Ken Olin (McNeil). They co-starred in the 80s/90s drama, “Thirtysomething,” and won lots of awards for it. I also Like Will's parallel journey with Sydney of becoming increasingly disillusioned by his job and needing other people to remind him of why he does it. Except of course, Will still does not understand the danger he is in.


Enjoyed this 2-parter, despite Tarantino's acting being a bit too exaggerated/cartoonish for me, lol. Also, it's not basic to have never seen a Tarantino film, don't worry!! At this point, it's downright 'indie' of you, haha :p