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Everything Is Great! + S1 Blooper Reel.mov



Loved seeing everyone waking up. Especially Tahani: "Oooh, what a surprise!" [then very seriously] "But yes, I accept." The cargo pants and Crocs slayed me ("All of you with your normal-sized pockets"), and then Tahani actually came to appreciate cargo pants. LOL Oh, this was the first time that Jameela Jamil herself wore trousers, and she loved them. Tahani's costuming is literally based on Jamil's own dresses -- they used her dresses to base their patterns on. Also love your new avatar and banner. Excellent selection of women lead protagonists there. Is that an eyeglass logo/signature in the corner there?


According to the writers the "yes I accept" part was actually improvised by Jameela too


This cast are all so attractive, Jameela Jamil looks good in everything. Even cargo pants. Also love the different outfits Janet wears each reboot.