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This episode always makes me mad because apparently Angel never told Connor what Darla made him promise to. Those were her last words, and Angel should have told Connor at some point, but definitely before bringing Angelus back. I just feel so bad for Connor. He's been tortured all his life, he doesn't know who or what he is or why he was created, but he thinks it's for evil. He just wants love and family, and Angelus primed him to react so viscerally to the dead family. I just want to give the kid a hug.


I get very frustrated with Connor, but he has never been more sympathetic than he was when he reacted to the Svear family's murder. Connor sees "Daddy's Birthday" on the calendar and runs out and throws up on the grass: this makes complete sense to me.

Brendan O'Connor

Fun Fact: Sean Astin (Sam from Lord of the Rings, Bob from Stranger Things) directed this episode