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This was a great episode. I just love this show so much 🙂


This is a such a good episode. It breaks from the usual Alias formula and gives us mostly a bottle episode with Sydney and Shepard allowing Sydney major character development while giving closure with Danny’s murder in the most tragically but beautiful way that also ends up being extremely hopeful (healing and moving on). This episode feels like the end of the first act of the season, and it deftly manages to focus on all the characters without losing the Sydney of it all. Sydney while being tortured: “This can’t be the best possible version of this conversation?” Man, I wish I could be that quick-witted in an average, everyday conflict. This week in Spy Daddy: 1. Jack clearly wants to murder Sloane when Sloane totally pushes Jack’s parenting issues button with a super creepy Dad Off between Awkward Dad and Evil Dad. This is both a WTF twist(?)/foreshadowing power play and an interesting conflict development, and Sloane exponentially amps up the compelling, ambiguous villain factor throughout this episode. 2. Remember Jack’s introduction in the premiere? When Danny called him and Jack completely put Danny in his place, while keeping Sydney’s personhood as a priority. Jack attempts the same here with Vaughn’s surprise meet. Jack condescendingly puts this eager kid to heel—and he’s awesome at it—but Vaughn realizes that he has power over Jack; otherwise Jack would end him. This is another interesting development. 3. Jack shows up at Thanksgiving for the most awkward exchange ever. I always marvel at Sydney’s reaction to Jack’s blunt delivery of devastating information. Sydney has grown so much in one episode. She went from swearing vengeance on Jack to bringing him leftovers, and their mutual tentative smiles always make me tear up because I’m a just big ole softie.