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Brian Krakow and devastation .... 





Wow, what a trainwreck. It's been a long time since I saw Felicity so I don't remember all that much. Noel explained that he and Hannah had agreed to see other people, which takes care of SOME of the problem. An entirely different problem, however, was that he did not tell Felicity about this situation... and that feels to me like a pretty disrespectful oversight. He's made it abundantly clear that he is attracted to Felicity, and yet at no point did he tell her his full situation. That's wrong. Ideally Felicity could have handled it without yelling at Noel in a restaurant, but she had every right to be frustrated, upset, and disappointed. This show is weird. It does a very good job of depicting how little betrayals, mistakes, and disrespectful acts can hurt... deeply.

Robin Gibbons

Just subbed and watch all 4 Felicity's back to back lol. Please keep this going. This show is really really good. I'm 40 and this is the show that always makes me regret not having a College experience... I really think you will enjoy this and it seems like you have been. Hope to see more!