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.... going to revisit 1x3 in the next episode ;-;


The Deer Hunters.mov



I get so angry with how Rory is treated in this episode, haha. I know that it's the way the school operates and that it's designed to be hard on them, but at the same time I feel like some leniency should be given to her because of her situation and the deer incident in particular. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm just biased because I love Rory, but that's how I feel. And to be honest I could never exist in that kind of environment. I'm not competitive at all. Arguments upset me and any kind of conflict just makes me shut down completely. Give me an easy life without too much stress and I'm good. Anything more and I'd cease to function as a basic human. I think that's why that whole situation in this episode upsets me, because I know I could not survive that school and I feel bad for Rory.