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Tough Love.mov


Andrew Pulrang

I'm still not sure whether Tara is scared of Willow becoming more powerful than her, or if she's afraid of more specific dangers inherent in advanced magic. I think it's more the latter though. Remember that she was very much against Willow indirectly helping encourage Dawn's desire to use magic to bring back Joyce. At that time Tara clearly articulated her belief that there are boundaries you just don't cross, and Willow is showing signs that she doesn't really, fully believe in those boundaries.


Willow's fight with Tara was a result of the earlier conversation Willow had with Buffy. Buffy kept shutting Willow down by saying 'you don't understand'. That's why Willow had that grouchy moment and why she was so angry in general. She sorta projected her anger with Buffy onto Tara, if that makes sense.