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Hello everyone, so I will be making a season 1 review for VM, and it will be uploaded by itself or at the beginning of S2E1 of VM! So feel free to ask any questions if you have any, and I will answer them :) 



Who do you think will be at the door, and who do you WANT to be at the door?

Ari is my Cat

Do you think we will ever see Veronica's mom again? Is it possible to forgive her for A} leaving rehab knowing her daughter's college money paid for it and B} stealing the check before she left.

Ari is my Cat

How will Logan handle his father being on trial for his ex girlfriends murder? How will the publicity of that trial effect how he is treated at school and how he acts.

Ari is my Cat

How will the news that Logan's father killed Lilly effect Duncan and Logan's friendship?


Fave/least fave characters? Best character development? Do you have a fave episode? Any side characters you want to see more of? Thanks! I loved watching your reactions to this season and can't wait for the next one, if you choose to continue with it :)


Did you suspect anyone other than Logan or Duncan? Before the finale did it ever even occur to you that it might be Aaron ?

Alexis Cardarella

What subject matter/themes tackled in the series so far, do you appreciate most?

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

Do you have this episode and Rm w/a Vu on Google Drive? Because these Onehub links sadly aren't working and I would love to see your reactions to them.