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Hi Hi!

I will continue with the comic :3 there are the first pages and some plot :3 (sorry for the bad english, I will appreciate it if you help me to correct it :3)

Ongoing comic:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27380816 


- Dawn: Ash are you here?

- Ash: I forgotten to lock the door… geez…

- Dawn: Ash

Dawn call out Ash but no one respond, when she enter, only sees an empty room, 

- Dawn: maybe he is with the audience…?

In that moment Dawn sees Ash clothing in the floor

- His clothes, why he leaved it here? Something bad happened?

While Dawn is inspecting ash´s clothes looking for some clues, Ash looking her from behind the door, waiting the timing for get out of the room.

- Ash: Is now or never…. 

Rapidly Ash get out from behind the door and left the room, but he make a mistake and made noise, alerting Dawn.



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