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Well, here is finally something new.
Mega Link

I apologize for not posting anything for such a long time. At the beginning of 2023 I wanted to avoid going for months without releasing anything but clearly that failed.
Between the last upload and now I have reworked/remade few models and made one new one. All which took much more time than I expected.
The worst was when I had the genius idea of sculpting each scale one by one. It didn't work out and burned me off to a point where I didn't do practically any art stuff for close to 3 weeks.
And somehow I spent 2 weeks working solely on the head of the new character because I wasn't satisfied with anything.
For the rest of the year I will only be animating/making renders or at most making some props for those animations. No new characters or any reworks until 2024.

I will talk more about what to expect from future in another post. I might also make another post for the craploads of random wip screenshots I have gathered.

And finally about the animation above.
The beginning of this was an old unfinished animation from 2022 which I decided to put into use.
It used to have Dzärne and Keie in it and had no connection to anything else, it was merely something I happened to put together.
Since that it has evolved a significant amount along with the entire setting in which these characters exist and the lizard gal is now a different character named "Väirti". How this one connect to the rest of it will be more clear in future.

And some technical talk.
There is some slight z fighting/clipping on the floor at the beginning but I didn't deem it important enough to re-render those frames.
This is likely the last animation Dzärne will appear in as hiis model is very outdated. He may appear in some renders.
It took me less than 2 weeks to animate the remaining shots but the rendering and especially fluids were a major pain.
The first version of fluids was too watery in renders so those frames+simulation got ditched.
Second one had some horrible jittering. It was right at the end so that was another re-simulation and re-rendering of 700 frames.
Third simulation had some floating crap.
And then tons and tons of small test simulations trying to hone in settings.
This is the second time I use this method for fluids first being "Forest ride". Fluids in that took almost 2 months or something stupid because I had to learn a new difficult software but this time they "only" took a bit over a week combined.
There is still ton left to improve and I will put the things I learned here to use in next animations.




Individually rendered scales sounds like it would be amazing. Even if it turned out to be an impossible amount of work, I don’t think you wasted your time by investigating whether it could be done. At least now, we know with certainty.

Xaldon Ajide

I'm just glad to see you back at it.


I missed this one earlier, just found it today. My accounts here all got bollixed when my credit card got hacked ... Anyway, I hope you make a soundtrack for this one. Poor Dzarne was really pent up! You're getting more and more detail into the hottest moments, with Väirti's feet being very expressive. I notice you're getting skin and internal structure and mechanics more detailed and realistic, too. Excellent work! She looks a lot like Seire; might they be related? Nice to meet her, in any case. Thanks!


I know I’m very late, but this is really amazing, I can’t even imagine the amount of detail and time that is implanted into these animations, It really shows that you put your heart into these, and I know my words have no meaning on the internet, but these animations are the best I’ve ever seen by an animator