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Mega.nz : 1.3GB

Mega.nz low quality : 314MB

Mega.nz WEBM : 97MB


Well, here it finally is, the animation I have been working on for the past 6~ months "Valley of joined hearts"

By far the largest project I have ever done, almost 4 times longer than my previous longest animation with final runtime of just under 17 minutes.
More complex and technically demanding than anything I have done before with assets taking over 1TB of storage space.
My first animation with any kind of story and dialogue and overall a massive undertaking that took almost two months to render.

Feels quite weird to finally be done with this, sometimes it felt like there is no end in sight with the runtime gradually getting longer and longer until an animation I planned to be a 6 minutes long ended up being this 16+ minutes long behemoth.

After last year's 6 month dry period where I didn't upload any animations I promised this kind of thing wouldn't happen again yet here we are, not even a year later and it happened again. No way in hell I would had started this had I know how long it would end up taking but in the end, it does feel great to create something this large.

Not sure yet what the next animation will be like or when it will be out, though it will feature a character briefly mentioned in this animation. I need to reset my brain now that this one is finally done.




Hell of alot of work but damn, this was totally worth it! Wonderfully executed


It was worth it. If there are any awards for erotica, this should win one.


I'm deeply amazed to say the least, what an awesome job you did with everything here! It may've taken a long time, but it paid off in the end in my opinion, well done lad


this is wholesome with sex in it. totally worth the wait.

Christian Ne0L1nk

hell I am at minute 4 now, but I don't have to watch this fully to say: wooow damn dude, this is amaaazing O.O god this looks so awesome their talking if kind of funny, but interesting and it feels real / natural still and yeah, it took *a while* but hey, this was surely worth it ♥ ♥ ♥ and yes, you rest now please, you did a lot of work, so now it's time to relax :3


Your work is really great, waiting was more then worth and will wait for more keep up the great work!!!


This was wholesome to the end. Absolutely wholesome. Great animation work. This is by far the my most favourite animation out there. You just convinced me to step up a tier.

Florian Towara

Guess you might take a break, doing some simpler rendering until looking at the to do list again, don't you?


Decided to support you on patreon and goddamn instantly impressed with your work. After reading how much effort this took, tbh I would take a rest too.


Keeping this animation for the weekend and give some recomments then; thanks in advance for your hard work. Take your rest dude I would say you afford this without seeing the animation yet. I probably hope to see Dragon / Wyvern models onces again; but ofc just drop it if you don´t feeling well / comfy with it. You are doing good and you are definitely my favourite artist


The next character is a bit wyvern'y and the one after that is a straight up wyvern or dragon so don't worry, you will see more of those in the future.


I can't access to the 1,3GB's file...


Are you using the mega.nz link and not the google drive one I had up a while ago? If you are, what kind of error it gives you?


Well, none. In fact, it redirects me directly to my personal space.


Well that is bizarre. This is a link that leads straight to the folder where all the regular 720p animations are, does this work? https://mega.nz/folder/WY4XwbSS#3NH5EWnStsDBXwlW8W7jCQ


For the folder with the 720 animation, it's work. But for the (hight quality of this animation I think) the link doesn't work ...


The one in that folder is the 1.3GB one, lower quality ones are somewhere else.


Maybe that's why I don't have access. I'm in tier 1 at the moment.


That was amazing! Take some time to celebrate such an awesome animation.

Xaldon Ajide

OMG it's out, the sound effects are amazing, and your animation is beyond beautiful like always. Loving every second. please keep doing awesome work like this.


Loved this! Honestly, if you want to do longer animations but not spend this much time on them why not do like 3-5 minute animations? You could even do a video like this in parts and then when it's all done you could release a complete version too. Just an idea.


Holy moly, this is an insane effort. You really should be proud. These two are beautifully animated 😍


It's your best work until now ! Really lovely story ;) But if you want to keep stories like this, maybe adding some voices can add a little thing to that ;)

Quinn Carter

This is definitely your best work, and the one thing I always criticised - the fluids -you absolutely nailed. Completely worth the wait on this one.


What are a jaloliskos ? A dragon cause that painting at 2.45 is sus .what with 5.34 a cut content??


At 5:34 there are just few missing frames, I messed up a little bit and couldn't repair it. And as to what jaloliskos are? well, you will eventually see.


I did make those fluids in a significantly different and much more time consuming way when compared to previous fluids so it is good to hear it paid off.


The amount of time and effort that you poured into this clearly shows. This is definitely your greatest animation so far, and really I think it raises the bar for everyone else too. Absolutely fantastic work!


holy shit, great work


Wow, simply wow... It´s kinda like in the animation "I don´t find the right words for this". Well I just keep try it. This definitely DEFINITELY (for me) is the best animation which I ever saw. I was hoping for such an animation since a couple of years and thank you so much that you did it. I really want to thank you for this great animation and the hard work you put in it. This is even more than just straight up porn. This is art which amazing storytelling building up a relationship and so much love in it. It is just fascinating how much cuteness and details you put in this. Really thank you... I hardly hope this story continues one day with meeting Keie´s friend and testing out the bed in Keie´s village :D. But at least I don´t want to force an animator do anything. If you want to continue this I would say we all can wait again couple of months for this; if you want to do some straight things again feel free to do so. In the end don´t be so hard to yourself I would say everybody can wait 6 months for something like this. I formyself would even wait a year for this.


Last but not least I want to say thank you add "jl017" for these amazing UNIQUE voices improving this animation so much and give every character some kind of a own voice. Further thanks add "Dargon" for the preproofing of the text!


One more thing ~~~ the bite again was really unexpecting for me but supersexy and an amazing detail!


absolutely amazing. 100% worth supporting you to get this a month early, and I already can't wait for the next animation you make, no matter if I have to wait 2 months or 2 years for it. The only criticism I have is that I would have preferred to listen to the conversation, rather than having to read subtitles, as it forced me to look away from the gorgeous visuals for more than I would have preferred .


Could be an idea but this would means that there will be parts with just story telling I would guess. Well for me I would wait till the next part would came out completed :)


I absolutely agree. If something like this is the result I would even wait 2 years for it. As I saw the animation first time I agree; reading the subtitles have forced me to look away quiet often. But it´s get better if you know the story and I´m now fine with it. I´m kinda unsure about voiceing the animation. I agree it definitely will make things more comfy. The only thing is that I guess it will be kinda hard to handle. For me human voices wouldn´t match then to the characters so I would say you have to create an own voice than, which probably is extremly hard idk. Just my thoughts about it ~~~


Wouldn´t that mean I have to explain that I watch lewd animations I definitely would get pictures of this animation hanging in my room! <3 :D


This is an amazing piece Dzat. This hits all those check marks of things I love!! The nuzzling, neck biting, and especially all the paw holding, just a sweet experience. This is BY FAR the best animation regarding my own likes, how everything looks, and the sound design just *chef kiss* a work of art. You did FANTASTIC <3


Happy to hear you liked it and and thank you for your kind words :)


Beautiful animation. Maybe the next one can be of them making eggs


Maybe some day I will make that animation but first I need to get through the next two that I already have decided to do. One of those will show more of these two.

Gabreal Hanna

So, it is not letting download or even view the file, I got the mega app just for the 1GB version, but it doesn't work, saying it is not a valid link, any idea on how I can yoink the big boy video file?

Gabreal Hanna

Nevermind, I scrolled up for answers or any similar problems and found the solution, thank you for the 720p links! Fan fucking tastic work b! I absolutely love the change in liquid as well, looks more realistic and yummy

Gabreal Hanna

Absolutely fantastic animation though, I love the way it's done and the foreplay it brings. Absolute 10/10

Zwei Fette

Its great, but i would like a version without the text. So i can imaginate what they said.


This is so good! Though personally i wished you'd do some gay videos, your male scalies are just so good looking they *need* to do a little one on one. Other than my hopeful wish this is excellent 30/10


I just signed up to support you with what little I can afford--just because of this, which I found on e621. Love it so much!


Just wonderful. Otherwise, it seemed that he forgot his manners after he took her tail bag off. He flopped on the ground and [b]then[/b] asked her if she needed help with her cloak. I'd have liked to see him standing by her, maybe tentatively reaching out a little. Also--and this is a problem I have myself--he failed to ask her if she needed anything, like something to eat, or a drink of water. I don't think it hurts the story, though.