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First I want to say that this thing will not be out next month.

The animation is currently 10+ minutes long with 15000~ frames and the final runtime will be around 13~ minutes. After I have finished the actual animating I still need to simulate fluids, finish detailing and cleaning up the environment, make some texture changes and after all of that it is going to take almost a month to render due to how long it is. 

I do want to make more animations in future with some story/dialogue in them, though not every time and I sure as hell won't be making another animation this long for a long time. Actually I think there is a good chance that this will be the longest animation I will ever make. 




Looks like it will be worth the wait. Your animations are always such high quality.

Christian Ne0L1nk

13 minutes?! wow holy molly OoO damn, I really look forward to that >3> waiting will be soooo worthy~


Cant wait to see this animation. All in all I want to thank you for going for such an full animation. I guess it will be really amazing with foreplay and so on. I hope you will continueing this probably ones a year or something like this. But in the end I can understand why every artist guess for one point stuff because all in all its to much work I guess. So make your stuff probably 4-5 shorter animations and 1 long animation in a year for example. In the end I want to mention again you are really my favourite artist and I hope you will get more supportet in the future <3


btw colouration and brightness looks extremly nice so far :)


Almost a month of render time alone is nuts, hopefully the Patreon helps cover the costs involved. You're definitely spoiling everyone who ends up watching, 13 minutes crosses into territory normally only touched by animation teams! Thanks for persevering on this, don't forger to take some time for yourself!


Looks beautiful ❤️


From the WIP images, this is going to be amazing. You can do it and you've got all us behind ya, just don't push yourself too much. Make time for you and take a break occasionaly.