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 This one is quite simple when compared to some of my previous animations but I hope you like it anyways.

Source file : https://drive.google.com/open?id=16HZEXsm8UP0H2bKUpjJMuCHMOWrxOss9

Low quality version if you want to watch it in browser : https://files.catbox.moe/bqyg7d.mp4

And here is a zip for both new and old adine models : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oyEMV-2HOphfak2Aal_xy7-M38m_laaE

Old uses hand painted textures and is not meant to have any other lights on it. The rig it uses is also not suitable for animation.

New one has few "hidden" rig mechanics, first is on the "Frill_Control_Cheeks", one of the controllers above head. If you scale this controller it enables you to spread out those frills.

Second is on "Adine_Armature". If you go to object properties -> custom properties there are two sliders, one for vagina controls and other one for wing ik toggle.

If you decide to use these models for something you release publicly just credit me somewhere. 

And copied from my previous post in case some of you didn't read it.

"I want to inform all of you right now that there may not be a new animation in june, the reason for this is that I really want to make the next animation maya, that new animation tool I have been learning. I do have a pretty solid grasp of it but there is still some stuff I need to learn. 

I also want that animation to include this new character I'm working on since I would rather not use my time to bring my old character to maya since it takes significant amount of time to do. Instead I want to spend that time on making new characters. Because of these two factors I may not be able to finish it in time and I just wanted to let you know early on in case you want to stop your pledge."




Thanks for sharing your model!

Quinn Carter

Your cum fluids are looking much better, and that cuddle scene at the end was super cute.


Well yeah, compared with your latest ones this one is "simple", but you told use the reasons for that. But yeah the graphic and emotions are again so amazing. The movement is - as always - clean asf. Keep your time for the next one. I guess we can all wait 2 - 3 months if we get a new char then. Just keep us updated every 2 - 3 weeks. I still want to see a solo female one with squirt if you may can do this somedays <3


i wish this had sound, but the animation is top notch