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I can't think really of a good description to this at the moment 'XD but theres something else I have to speak with you about.

If you read my last posts you may know that I'm in a urge to get to UK, my gf is there and I have to get there, it's quite restrict tho that's why I'd need to know if any of you are from there and if you have any idea of how I could get a job there so I could enter England, my gf can not send me an invitation letter because she lives in a INN pub that gives housing for it's workers only, she's not allowed to put anyone else in there, she tried to get me a job there too but they're already full unfortunately.

I'm even trying to apply for university there, which would be a good thing, I'm in contact with Anglia Ruskin University but it's having quite a delay. I'm trying to get these things ready already because of a promise I made to my mother in our last talk before her passing, there are many things to settle here and settling this up right away would allow me to keep the promise, I know this all sounds very personal, but if you have any idea of how to help me with that, please let me know.




No problem. Good luck