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It's almost that time again! A new design for the exclusive merch rewards here on Patreon is right around the corner!

And as ever it's now the time for me to provide the illusion of choice by posting a poll which features a selection of options including the most recent project, ensuring that recency bias will almost certainly ensure it wins!

I joke of course. But it does always happen. xD

Happy voting!



It is incredibly hard to choose between "Neath" and "Wool Over Our Eyes"


Would love some choo choo Charles stupendibull mining train plushes! I kid, but it would be great!


I think we all know what’s gonna win, right? 🤣


This is probably one of the hardest polls for me so far.... but my theater kid soul is guiding me. 😅


Been playing in fallen London since it was a web/ card game. Even have a "where are my siding crickets" t shirt. NEED more fallen London!


I still need to watch Neath, so Wool for now. However Stupes, is your merch store down right now? I clicked on the link in your linktree, and it's saying it's unavailable.


I'm afraid my mech store has been out of action since February! I did do several big posts about it. Sadly Fanfiber collapsed and ran off with everyone's money. So I'm in the process of setting up a new store with a new provider! I thought I'd caught all the merch store links and taken them down but I must have missed the linktree! Whoops! Sorry about that!


Oh it's ok! I remember the Fanfiber thing, but I was hoping you had found a new solution (and I had been travelling a lot lately, so I've missed quite a bit on socials). I'll just keep looking out for it!


Look good, thank you.


Look it's not my fault the most recent one is also the one about something that's been near and dear to my heart for years!