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Hello everyone! I hope you are all well!

I wanted to make a quick post about Patreon credits because there's something coming up I think you should all be aware of. Especially those of you who are newer to the Patreon and weren't here the last time this happened!

Traditionally the only songs that do NOT get a credits roll at the end are sponsored projects. That's because I need that time to do the ad read to promote whatever the sponsor is. Also because for sponsored videos technically they were funded by the sponsor and not you guys. (You contributions are still going towards my staff and facility costs, equipment, etc just not directly on the video!)

So why am I making this post if this isn't a new thing?

It's because in a first for the channel I have two sponsored projects coming up back-to-back. I normally try and avoid this happening, I don't take many sponsored projects as is, but in this case one of the two projects got very delayed by the sponsor and ended up landing right next to another one.

This means that it's going to be a little while before the next set of Patreon credits! I wanted to make you all aware so that if you wish, you can adjust your pledges accordingly. If you'd like to lower or cancel your pledge for a while until the next 2 videos are out, please do!

If any of you have recently joined at the credits tier and have not yet had a credit and would like a refund, also please send me a message and I will do that for you!

I'm really sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause! They are some very fun videos, I promise! <3




I'm more than happy to support you regardless of the sponsorship and credits. The latter is just an added bonus. Definitely keeping right where I am, and in that age old words of my forefathers 'You go girl.' keep up the excellent work as always.


Man I love you.


Although it's nice to see the name at the end of the credits, I'm just here to support an amazing artist who makes amazing videos and music. As long as you keep jamming, I will never be disappointed. Do what you need to do.


Yea your my only patreon - and its because I like your music.. Credits is cool and all, but glad your making something you and by extension we feel your joy in. Secondly, your post on refunds, cancelling, whatever is about the most heart felt thing I have seen an artist say to their followers. Which I think has been echoed by the posts before this.


It doesn't bother me, but I think it's great that you're concerned about it! I support you because I like your music and everything you stand for. No refunds or adjustments needed. Just keep up the glorious work and I'll be happy to help you. 😁


I pledge monthly to support you, your music and your staff. If the next few vids are the sponsored ones, and we don't get the credits, then that's fine by me. I don't pledge just to get my money back if I don't get my name on the end of the vid. Keep up the great work Stupes and staff!!


What a stand-up person to pre-empt this concern that shouldn't even be a concern! Replace my name with "The Stupendium rocks" in the credits for all I care! (seriously, just keep being amazing)


I would like my name in the credits at the beginning of the video pease. The same size as yours if that's possible.

Jason Pislaan

The thought is very much appreciated, but, I'm not supporting you to see my name in your videos. I'm supporting you because of all the joy and fun your content brings me. I'm pitching in to see more of it. Again, though, your thoughtfulness is not lost on this one, Stupes. Cheers!

Jason Pislaan

Dude, this made me laugh harder than it probably should have. Ups on you. ;]


All ima say is as follows: Seeing ones name is not the goal, for the goal is to support, bonuses such as being named is secondary to all else. As such, there is no reason to reduce or stop the contribution in my eyes.


Never really asked for my name in the credits, just want to see you making these amazing songs