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Hello all!

That time is approaching once again for a new merch design here on Patreon!

Typically I'd have posted a poll by now for you all to vote on the theme of the next shirt & mug. You've probably noticed that I have not done that yet! That's because, in a break from recent tradition, there will not be a poll this time, sorry!

If you keep up with my social media you may be aware that recently my merch store closed unexpectedly as Fanfiber went bust out of the blue overnight. Hooray!

What you don't know is that as this happened just a week before the release of 'The End of the Line' I already had new merch designs for the song in the works which I was suddenly unable to use. And as it's a spectacular design by fantastic friend of the channel, Jolin, I don't want to waste it!

So in lieu of a poll, next month's new exclusive merch design will be a 'The End of the Line' shirt and mug designed by Jolin! I wanted to give you all a heads up in case you were wondering about the lack of poll. Stay tuned for a reveal at the start of next month!




Looking forward to it! 🔥


I feel lucky to have grabbed myself a stuffed Stupes head before this happened!


I would've voted for that anyway so win/win for me.

Steven Blom

Jolin's work is always fantastic, You won't hear a complaint from me!

Tom Mettam

Hopefully you'll find a place which does a wider range of sizes :)