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This was a very tricky song to write. Trying to find that balance of a fun, entertaining and lyrically interesting song whilst also following a direct brief to sing about specific items of merchandise was not easy. I'd be lying if I said I was 100% happy with he result but given the limitations I had to work within I am pretty happy with how this turned out.

The nature of Satisfactory and the character I created for my original Satisfactory song made a song about promoting products actually make sense narratively and was what lead me to take on the project. Had this been a promo for merch for any other game I'd have likely turned it down but the fact that my original song was partially about the manufacture of products and consumerism made this make a twisted sort of sense. I could promote these products whilst staying totally in-universe. 

Also the fact that I genuinely love the game and play a lot of it meant I was very excited at the prospect of returning to it on the channel in a semi-official capacity.

So I hope you enjoyed their weird little project. it was certainly an interesting one to work on as a bit of a departure from my norm!



Detective Inspector Me

It was an amazing song!! But I have one question that I’m burning to know, what comes first in production the lyrics or the music or a mixture of both?


Well considering those limitations, I would say really well done!

Andrew Michael

Stupes selling out! 😯 Scandalous!!! But, like your pal Doughlby, when you sell out to The Man, you really do it with integrity and panache.


What i really loved about this song, (taking out the obvious) is how much fun you genuinely seem to have. That makes everything 100% better


Well, this song did it's job. I really really want a lizard doggo to call my own. Sadly the shipping to this part of the world is a bit prohibitive. :(


Assignment understood, and very well-leaned-in-to. :)