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Hello all! I thought it was about time I sat down and had a chat with you all about the Patreon! How things are going and how things will be changing going forwards!

But to those who perhaps prefer me when I'm singing, here's the TLDR:


- I hired someone! Huzzah!

- The $2 tier will be merging down in to the $1 tier and taking its rewards with it.

- The Patreon credits reward for the end of videos will be moving up from the $5 to the $10 tier to keep the list more manageable on-screen.

- In their place, the art assets reward will be moving down to the $5 tier

- A new series of public Q&A videos for the 2nd channel but the ability to ask the questions will be a new reward added to the $5 and above tiers

- Behind the scenes to start becoming public on the 2nd channel after a delay, so the Patreon reward becomes Behind the Scenes early access instead of just access.

- Look at my swanky new lamp.

- We're going on holiday, so things will be quiet for a few weeks!

All of these changes are proposed to take effect after we get back from our holiday, but I wanted to give you all an early heads up so you can be aware ahead of time and feed back if you want to!

Let me know if you've any comments or questions about the proposed changes and I'll try and get back to you before we jet off in 2 days!

Thank you, all of you. <3




Huzzah! An Update! ----- Video edited by Lizzy CJ aka Crayons Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs! STUPENDIUM ORIGINALS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... THE STUPENDIUM ON SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/Stupendify THE STUPENDIUM ON iTUNES: http://bit.ly/StupendiTunes ----- You can support The Stupendium on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thestupendium Grab your official Stupendium Merchandise! Shirts and mugs and hats, oh my! http://bit.ly/TheStupendiumMerch Join the official Stupendium discord server! https://discord.gg/h9cu8hy Drop me a tweet? @TheStupendium The Stupendium is a UK based musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join them on their journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! They have some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing themselves in the third person.



Huge L but understandable


welp, guess we're upping our patronage then. Was planning to do that tomorrow anyway lol so yay for timing!


So I'm a 2 dollar tier. When you fully get rid of it will I have to re-sign up. Or will it just give me the option to change to the 1 dollar tier?


Have fun on your vacation, Stupes!


Oh boy time to start brainstorming qna question!


publicizing the BTS after a time is honestly a good idea! have a good holiday!


hope you have a great time on your vacation Stupes!! Loving the idea for a QnA!!


Aw dang, I just increased from the $2 to the $5 tier like a week ago cuz I wanted to be listed in the Patreon list for at least a few months. Noooo. 😅 And have a nice vacation! (Was hoping you really meant the bit about taking a vacation at the end of A Pizza the Action!)


Patreon allows you to alter your pledge amount and requested teir at any time. You won't have to re-pledge, but you may have to reselect your teir.


But now I want to know! What's your favourite pasta shape?! Lol


Stupes: *Moves the Credit Pledge to $10* Patrons: Is that a challenge?


So what I'm hearing is "$5 patrons, please upgrade to $10". Roger that, after September processes! Also, I'm 100% in favour of making BTS videos public. Personally, I'm all for an even shorter exclusivity window, like a month.

Alex White

If you missed the bit at 6:34, they clarify that the credit change will take effect *after* the next video, so you'll definitely at least get one credit. As a fellow $5 tier patron, it's a bit of a shame but I understand the change - I'm sure the credits after that won't exactly change to say "Get bent if you pledge less than $10", it's just the credits are getting too big to manage and this is future-proofing.


I am absolutely OK with releasing the behind the scenes videos so more people could watch them after some months for patreons to enjoy, i also think it is a shame how funny or interesting they are and so little people gets to see them. This year i have seen more and more people ask about related questions that are answered watching the BTS and since the interest it is up it may also get even more people to join here. The patreon tier update was a long time warned thing that had to be implemented, so it is absolutely fair.


I welcome sharing the BTS videos publicly, they are fascinating and should be seen by as many people as possible! I've already shared them with a couple of my friends, so yeah..

Krazy Dave

Alright alright

Steven Blom

I'm completely fine with what was discussed, though I can't really speak for those on the $5 and $2 tier, I did catch myself thinking on that last video "I wonder how long until the Patreon scroll becomes as long as the horizon zero dawn credits screen..." So it is definately something that is crossing people's minds. On the topic of the BTS stuff, for something that takes as much time as it does, I think it's wise to get it on front of more people, three months is more than fair in my opinion. I was expecting shorter, and I'm fine with less of that's the consensus, and more importantly, I hope upcoming talent learn from what you can share. Well in all, it's my absolute pleasure to share in this Patreon community, because it's the absolute highlight of my month whenever you release something new.


Thank you for taking the time to make this and to consult with your Patreon community! 100% support making BTS publicly available. They are so good, and more people should be able to enjoy them. Hopefully they inspire more people to become patrons


Welp, I just updated to $10 :) You said that wasn't your intention, but I enjoy being in the credits scroll. As for the BTS being public, I respect that they do take a lot of work. I would be OK if they were released sooner, a month or even a bit less. While I'm not a YouTube expert, I would think they would do better while your music video is still being recommended. Thank you for all you do! I enjoy all of the videos.


well, i will miss having my name in the credits for a bit, but I am excited for all of the other stuff. the office looks great! have fun on vacation!


I love the idea of a QNA and would like to know where your source some of your costumes as i think they would make some killer halloween outfits.