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Hello everyone!

I wanted to put something to you all!

I get a LOT of requests for BTS content over in my YouTube comments. And no matter how much I talk about Patreon a lot of folks just don't realise that there is BTS content over here.

So I  was wondering how you'd all feel about me releasing one piece of behind the scenes content publicly to promote the Patreon?

I have here a rather wonderful 'Part 1' of a behind the scenes for The Toybox that I hope to release tonight. Would people be okay with me making it public? It'd just be this one video to let people know that behind the scenes stuff does exist and that they can find more over here!

I wanted to make sure this was okay with you all, see how you felt about it, as of course you are the ones funding it and making it possible!

Let me know what you think!
Much love (and happy Pride month!)



100% alright with it!!!


Hells yeah, go for it, I'm really just hear to support u at the end of the day I could care less if u made all behind the scenes public really


Another "Yes, share a BTS!" If it will get people to look at it and support you then it's very much worth doing. Examples will help them understand "No, there's more over here!"


Oh hell yea man. Show the non-believers what they're missing by not subbing! I love the BTS vids!


If it might help you get more patreon support then I vote yes.


I think it' a good idea, and I'd personally even be fine with you putting them out semi-regularly, or maybe even putting them all out, but significantly delayed behind Patreon backer access


It's a good idea because people can see an appreciate how much work goes into these vids!


More support is always better ❤️


I would say it's a good idea. It got me to join as a backer.


Heya! I'm very late to this - but thank you for posting part 1 on YT! I've never used Patreon before, though seeing that video finally convinced me to give it a try! I decided I really wanted to see part 2, and see other ones too. <3