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A look at the development process for 'Ad Infinitum'! From the initial storyboard, through the [[KROMER]] keying to the final video!

You may note my storyboards/animatic is much rougher than usual for this project! Generally I go overboard with far too much detail so for this project, due to it's large scale, I forced myself to be rougher and more efficient with the boards, drawing less poses and keeping things sketchier than I'd normally like to! Ultimately this only took 2-3 days to plan and board as opposed to a week it would have taken to board everything in detail.

That detail is useful when doing complex 2D environments (something akin to Bellhops) because I will often design the backgrounds as part of the storyboards and then use those as the actual rough drawings for said backgrounds. So it can save time! In this case, the environments needed far less designing so going ham on detail in the boards would have been a poor use of time.

All this is to say: 'sorry my boards are kinda ugly'. :P



A look at the development process for 'Ad Infinitum'! From the initial storyboard, through the [[KROMER]] keying to the final video! ----- Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs! STUPENDIUM ORIGINALS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... THE STUPENDIUM ON SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/Stupendify THE STUPENDIUM ON iTUNES: http://bit.ly/StupendiTunes ----- You can support The Stupendium on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thestupendium Grab your official Stupendium Merchandise! Shirts and mugs and hats, oh my! http://bit.ly/TheStupendiumMerch Join the official Stupendium discord server! https://discord.gg/h9cu8hy Drop me a tweet? @TheStupendium The Stupendium is a UK based musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join them on their journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! They have some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing themselves in the third person.



Do you do all the vfx by yourself or do you have someone that helps you or something because it seems like it might be a lot of work for just 1 person to do


I do all of my own vfx though I have an assistant who helps edit the raw footage and works on the art with me. :)


Oh shush, your storyboards are always adorable. Do $10 patrons get access to them, or only final assets?


1:27 I just relived my anxiety of the chin falling off


Seeing the makeup without all the final editing really shows off just how dang good it was! No wonder the final product looked so spiffy. Also the storyboards were adorable and terrifying in turns. Lovely!


I listened to this at 1.25x speed and it fits amazingly well for Spamton! Good song at all speeds, Stupes!


I hope we get a full behind the scenes on this one filming this must have been one hell of a task


A full half hour of BTS is on the way some time in the next few days! Just needs some final tweaks. :)


All of the work on my videos is done in the Adobe Suite, predominantly After Effects, Premiere and Photoshop. I shoot on a Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K for the most part, though occasionally on a Sony A7SIII. My Computer is a custom built one with 128gb of DDR4 RAM, GeForce RTX 3090 GPU and a i9-10850K CPU. :)


Well, I signed up here for the storyboards, so goodbye forever (wait, wait, wait… these are great boards!!! Nah, I’m staying. You can’t get rid of me that easily).


Only final assets! I never considered anyone would want the boards as images as there's far less practical use for them!


this is INCREDIBLE. This is exactly the kind of BTS I love watching. Even with 'rough storyboards' as you say, your ridiculous amount of talent is obvious. WOW. The final product is a masterpiece.


And I thought the original was sensory overload, try multiplying that by three, wow!


Can you do an animation breakdown for this one?