And To All A Good Fright - MP3! (Patreon)
Merry Christmas! ...Oh... Oh right. Yes, it's February.
So I may be a little tardy on this one! The rush of Christmas content got the better of me and once the video was out I turned my focus immediately to my family and the joys of the holiday season. I'm afraid I forgot to get these uploaded until right now, as I went to start uploading Ad Infinitum stuff! My apologies!
So here is some ever so slightly out-of-season Christmas content!
I'm sure you all know the story of these Christmas songs by now! Unendingly popular but getting a tad bit repetitive! I told myself I'd stop at 3 until I had this idea of making a fourth one that was really about how I didn't want to make a fourth one.
It was just silly and meta enough that it gave the concept one last interesting lease of life, something different whilst also still being exactly what people were asking for.
So here it is the last(?) entry in the Scary Christmas Saga! At least for now.
Hohoho! Mery Chri- Oh, yeah, still February....