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Full confession time! I had no plans to do an Animal Crossing song. A cutesy little animal game? Not my wheelhouse, certainly not something I'd typically play.
But then Rustage told me it features an evil raccoon landlord (or at least one that could be interpreted as evil) and bingo! That little light came on.

This project was a bit of a life saver, a quick mini project I was able to make in a couple of weeks to fill the space that was going to be taken by my Doom Eternal song. If you've been following me on social media too you may have seen that my Doom project had to be postponed because of the lockdown here in the UK. So Thankfully this project was the perfect little video to do at relatively short notice to take it's spot in the schedule!

I've wanted to play with this cut-out paper puppet style of animation for a while and this seemed like the idea video to give it a go! It was a fun little challenge and drawing all the animal characters was really a rather wonderful distraction from all the horrors of the world right now! :D




Spoiler alert: He does a Animal Crossing song in the next version that has a murder mystery


why am i alive


me dead


why am i still alive