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Things are all a bit mad around here right now as lots of projects are kicking off! So I'm very sorry I'm rather behind on getting these tracks up!

I had the idea to revisit the 'Wordsmith' series for the big 1 million milestone years ago. I always thought it would be fun to re-attempt an old song with all I had learned about making music and video since.

It was an interesting challenge to try and improve a song about being bad at making songs. It was a fun balance to try and strike and I'm pretty happy with the end result! It was also a pleasant change of pace to make a video all on one background for a change. Even if the 28 costume changes complicated things a bit!



Drake Boehm

Just incredible

Levi Smith

Vary good wish I had found out about you 10 years ago . I’m happy I found out about you sence you got an instant supporter.