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Custom 'Hinata' and Coach, getting better at straight ahead posing and inbetweens.

Will upload her model (with pregnancy shape key) in some hours, also please read below

The initial phase is over, in over 20 days i've made only 388 dollars, which is far far away from the 2,100 bucks i need, so in THEORY i will only be able to afford a 4090 in 100 days or so (lol), that is for the 4090 ALONE, not a single dime for me, nada, not counting cpu (for fluids) or any of that shit either, so spend to work, and that is not happening, when i started this account i started with the correct mindset (unlike the tired and beaten up johndoe1970, that turd didn't not learn his leason), never settle for less than the minimum wage (ignore my 3rd world country) and never ever work days without a donation

So with that said because people aren't reading my little set of rules i will put it here, i only work when i get at least 10 dollars in a day, some of you know me by my older alias, back then i could easily start up to 2 weeks without a single donation (and losing $ in the proccess)

SO REQUESTS, if YOUR request is taking to long is either because

A ) Long streaks of days without getting a new Patron or two at the basic tier.

B ) I got banned from patreon (can't help you with that lol)

C ) I died, got sick, internet died, someone very important died, etc, etc...

D ) I get stuck making less than 2,000 a month, this is a guaranted 'close account' moment.

ALSO SAME-Y requests, from now on since i already can see i will not be able to grap my new GPU any time soon i will place my own works every other animation (not models) to make sure things aren't to repetitive, think two Hinata anims in a row, or a billion Jill anims in a row, can't have that, i also need to practice other things, like blowjobs and footjobs, which barely anyone requests.


YOUR REQUEST WILL BE FINISHED (unless A,B,C or D), don't be scared sending me messages if i will finish it or not, i will do all requests even if you aren't my (current) Patron, if is in the list it will be finished no matter what (again unless A,B,C or D), and also understand, they aren't COMMISSIONS, they are requests, simplicity is key, if i wanted to make commissions for money i would become a employe at some supermarket pilling up boxes.

And no, i don't have burn outs or hiatus, the only thing that can fully stop me on track is not getting money or losing it and nothing else :p

For additional information on how to request a animation https://www.patreon.com/posts/98966795?pr=true

For additional information on how to request a model https://www.patreon.com/posts/custom-model-98890005



https://files.catbox.moe/gg8iqq.webm MOBILE

salty note: i should have created a podcast patreon account so i could talk 4 hours per day , upload once or twice per month AND still make 50k that month :(





To clarify, we have to wait for our initial request to be finished before we request again?


Wow the inflation part was amazing