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Luma is playing chess here, yesterday or the day before, don't know, they decreased the amount of gens free users can render from 30 to just five, at the excuse of 'due to high' demand, that's bullshit, if your IQ is above temperature room you know that's not the drill, that's an old bussiness 'trick' used by corpo overlords, how it works?

Make product, does not matter what it is.

Give it away for free, promote it, make sure people know about it.

When people are addicted then simply put it behind a paywal, if it already had some price tag behind it simply increase that price tag.

With Luma? lol, they have the reddit clowns to do it for then FOR FREE (making shitty memes and 1.5 SD renders with same face mostly), and Luma know they won't be relevant for much longer, maybe and that's a big maybe for the next two years, so they needed to do that to profit.

To me the app is plain and simple useless as my goal is NSFW, so if they want to ban me they could, and I won't waste 30 bucks on something that can get me banned, but mostly important inconsistency

To get my works done I have to generate multiple and multiple renders using CN, until I get something consistent plus with good aesthetics, with their shitty NSFW rules AND the fact that I can't generate multiple renders without worrying running out of then for THE ENTIRE MONTH (I can chew through 120 renders in A BLINK!) Luma then becames nothing but an useless toy to me, plus it smooths the render as it zoom's in.

So yeah, Luma is useless for people who are actually serious about their craft unless we get it to run locally, aka having control, as of now think of how many ideas Luma is getting through their dataset? this is another goal of big corpos, collect 'ideas' through their dataset to feed to hack directors while the average joe does the thinking for then.



joe cool

unreal, thank you! and yeah, the modern tech ecosystem is exploitative bullshit


No problemo! We need a middle ground between profit and open source, otherwise we will have do deal with this everytime new tech is developed/released.